Don't Know What You Had Until It's Gone...

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Chapter 1- Don't Know What You Had Until It's Gone..


I sighed happily, content with my look. I had curled the ends of my once brown, now blonde hair and done my make up perfectly; a little lip gloss, eyeliner, mascara, a bit of eye shadow and blush. Mom tells me that I'm too young to wear makeup, but I can't go listening to her if I want to look good for the boys. I winked at myself in the mirror, at the thought of boys drooling over me. Besides, what would Brittany and Miranda think if I didn't match their standards? They'd kick me out of the club and make my life miserable! Mom will just have to deal with it.

She's just old, she doesn't understand us popular girls! I rolled my eyes in irritation. I got up and looked at the outfit I chose to wear today, which was on my bed. I had picked out a pair of tight, light grey-ish skinny jeans, a plain white low-cut top with my cute royal blue blazer. I grabbed my black high heels, strapped them on, and picked up my blue sparkly clutch. I stared at myself in the mirror. Perfect! I smiled, seriously I must have the most fabulous life ever, all the boys want me, I'm one of the most popular girls in school and no one hates me! I mean, how could they? I'm perfect! I checked myself out in the mirror. Watch out everyone, here comes Casey McDonald... I flashed a quick smile at myself in the mirror, Derek won't be able to say no! He's the hottest guy in school and on the hockey team, making him very popular. He's so-Uggh! I can't even explain how cute he is! I sauntered out of my room and down the stairs heading towards the kitchen. My room was the biggest, I convinced Mom to change with me after Dad left. I mean, she's alone in that room, and I have way more stuff than her, so it's only fair if I had it, right? Of course I'm right, I'm always right! She told us that Dad left because they just didn't love each other anymore, when we all know that he was screwing some other woman behind her back, and Mom kicked him out. I'm 16, not 6! I scoffed, good thing that douche is gone. He never actually loved us! But who cares? I certainly don't.

I walked into the kitchen to find Mom sitting at the dining table, writing something on a piece of paper, sipping her coffee from time to time. My 14 year old sister, Lizzie, was plopped on the sofa, cereal bowl in one hand, remote control in the other, eyes fixed on the stuff happening on the T.V. Liam, my 7 year old brother was next to Lizzie, chewing on some bacon also watching T.V. Uggh! Why couldn't I have been an only child! Brittany is so lucky, she doesn't have any siblings and get's everything she wants!

"Morning!" Lizzie greeted.

"Yeah, hey. Mom, do we have any organic cereal?" Mom just stared at me. "You know, the one I told you to get," Nothing. "The one I wrote on the shopping list!" I said, my frustration level increasing every second.

"Oh!" Her face lit up. Finally! "What about it?" My jaw dropped.

"Did you get it?" I said slowly, like I do when I have to explain something to Liam.

"No." She turned back to continue writing. S-she didn't get it! I can't believe this!

"What?! Mom, how could you? I never ask you for anything, and the one time I do, you don't listen! Why?!" I shouted. This is not fair! She get's Lizzie and Liam anything they want, but me? Never.

"Honey, I didn't get it because you don't need that food. Look at you, you're so skinny," She said as she put down her mug of coffee and turned to face me.

"That's a good thing! I should be skinny!" What does she mean? Does she want me to be fat and ugly? Unpopular?

"No. You are too skinny. I got a call from your doctor, and he said you're underweight, that you need to eat and take in more calories. You don't want this to end in anorexia, do you?" My mom said, sadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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