Chapter 1: A mourning dragon's tears

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It was an early morning on the island known as Berk as people only now began to stir from their slumber and begin their days. Villagers opened up trading stalls, farmers tended to cattle and other animals, fisherman set sail to spend their day catching fish, and a certain one armed and legged viking was just opening up his forge. It was a beautiful day for making and tuning up weapons, nothing about this day could go-

"GOBBER!!" A strange women running frantically through the town square with her husband in toe trying to reach the black smith.

"Aye miss Valka what bring yah 'ere this early?" The black smith asked watching the women make her way to him her husband looking around frantically as if searching.

"Gobber! Oh gods Gobber! He is gone again!" Valka called to him fear and worry settling in her voice.

"It's true we've been searching for 'im since before dawn and we jus' can't find 'im" Valka's husband told the black smith his eyes still looking all around.

"Oh gods Gobber what if something happened to him!" Valka breathed out beginning to cry. "Gobber we have looked all morning he is our only son we can't loose him now he barely survived birth much less being out on his own!"

"Don't yeh worry miss Valka we will find em yeh said yah looked all through the village?" Gobber asked he calmly.

She nodded her head trying to stop her crying.

"Alright Stoick me an' yeh will bring some vikings ter check the forest miss Valka you take some vikings with yah to serch town again." Gobber said.

"Oh gods Stoick you don't think he actually went into the woods do you?" Valka cried out with another stream of tears at the ready.

"I don't know but we will find 'im love don't you worry, c'mon Gobber" Stoick said as he turned from his wife and led the way to gather some vikings for the search.

"Don't you'd worry miss Valka we'll find Hiccup he cant have gone far" Gobber said before following his chief.

With that Valka went to search the town more praying her little Hiccup hadn't gone into the woods while with Stoick and Gobber they had just gathered some men and were on their way to the forest. As they searched the woods they began with the outskirts hoping that if Hiccup did go in he didn't follow to deep into the thicket where beast 10 times larger than man looked.

Meanwhile not to far from the search party, an unsuspecting 6 year old was playing over between trees and over fallen logs, not being as careful as he should. He continued his horseplay jumping onto a long and dancing around with and uneven balance while a pair of eyes watch unnoticed by him...

As he prepared to jump from the log to continue on his foot caught on one of the long since rotted branches, causing him to tumble. He held his arms out waiting for the impact of the ground but it never came. As he uncovered his eyes he was set down gently he turned around to stare up into a large blue eye. Standing twelve feet above the little 6 year old was a Deadly nadder, and an alpha one at that. It's scales were a light pink and orange color. The boy stared curiosly at the nadder before he giggled and made grabby hands. Said nadder simply turned around and began to walk away the child it had just rescued attempted to follow but stumbled again requiring the nadder to catch him again, this time with it's tail. Having been rescued by this dragon twice the boy giggled and hugged the tail happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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