Our Little Angel [Zarriall]

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Hey guys,

*I'm planning to end "An Irish Mob Leader and A Cop" soon.. And the summer holiday coming up.. So I hope I am gonna have lots and lots of time to write.. So I started to think about other book ideas.

*I'm gonna start to write my Stockholm Syndrome stories 'Genius' and 'Obsessed' and this one Our Little Angel in two weeks time.. Not right away.. I just wanted to see your reactions..

*Let me know if u like the plot or not. Hope u like it though..

This is OUR LITTLE ANGEL, a threesome story. 


( Zayn- Harry -Niall )

Here is the Plot:

Niall and Zayn were best friends since kindergarten years.. Niall was like a little brother to Zayn and Zayn was like an older brother to Niall. But they were in the same age..

They were kinda cool guys at school. They were like yin yang.

Zayn was the 'bad guy' type of guy with all of his tattoos and his smoking habit, he also had this not-talking, being cool attitude.. But he was a good boy inside..

Niall on the other hand, is like the nicest guy in the world type of guy.. Unlike Zayn, he had no tattoos at all, not smoking, he was so talkative-smiling all the time.. He was ball of a sunshine.. But he was a teaser and a little flirty all the time.. So u can't understand when he was serious or not..

They were totally different but they were like brothers, they were so close..They were both open-minded people about sexuality.

Then there was this new guy at their school; Harry.. They both liked this guy a lot.. at the first sight.. But they didn't know the fact that they liked exactly the same guy..

They both trying to impress him individually.. They both wanted to be his boyfriend.. Then they found out the fact that they both liked the same guy and it become a problem.. between them to solve..

Harry on the other hand was in a bad shape.. His father left him and his mother, then his mother ran away with another man.. And Harry had to move another city to make a new start.. to survive..

He took a scholarship from a school there. He started to work in a bakery shop near that school as a part time job. He also found a cheap rent house from the same area..

He thought that he was straight but...

When he moved to this new city, he met Zayn and Niall at his new school.. Two gorgeous , totally different guy.. They both started to show affection to him.. This was the affection that Harry needed and wanted for a long time.. And Harry liked it.. like a lot..

At first, he thought that they wanna be buddies, bros, best mates, etc. and he hung out with both of them seperately.. Then the three of them started to hang out..

After a while, Harry understood what they really want.... They both wanted to date with him, be his boyfriend. Which one he gonna chose?

Or was he gonna even chose after all?

Our Little Angel [Zarriall]-[Ziall-Zarry-Narry] (boyxboyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now