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K-12 by Melanie Martinez is an album made back in 2019 which she later made into a film which shows the true colors of the the school department of education and what takes place behind schools closed doors.

Wheels On The Bus- Everything that happens on the bus is as you expect...people in the back are typically smoking weed and selling edibles and then you got the students who are literally having intercourse in the back while in the front you have the students who know what going on in the back but choose to ignore it like the bus driver. This song could also be used as an example as people who play the bystander card. 

Class Fight- School fights could literally be over the stupidest things such as Melanie's reference which is a boy that they both like. The song sums itself up to be completely honest. 

The Principal- The whole song is about how the principal doesn't really give a fuck about you which is completely honest- they are literally there for a paycheck and not for the students education. Principal's also always claim how what they say is correct when it could completely be the opposite of it.

Show & Tell- School puts on display and tries to control us to be perfect. This song in my personal opinion is alike Drama Club. 

Nurse's Office- The nurse's office is a double standard and it could honestly depend on the situation because you could be completely sick and they will give you some ice like it can fix everything but what Melanie truthfully means is that we have all gone to the Nurse's office and pretended to be sick because of something that made your day bad or because you just don't want to be at school which is relatable. 

Drama Club- This means school in general. At school you have to pretend to be someone your not and fix this perfect script of someone you have pretended to be. In school its like you have to fit in so you start to become the character you are pretending to be. 

Strawberry Shortcake- School is the first place your body will be objectified. At school they have a dress code and you can get sent home for literally shoulders. Melanie Martinez made this song to pretty much say," So your little dick is getting hard for shoulders,". In school you also have to have the perfect body and the judging of your body is incredibly insane. Teachers will sexually objectify you for a little and blame it on you instead of telling boys to keep it in there pants. 

Lunchbox friends- In kindergarten throughout elementary you have these little groups of friends that you could be friends one day and then the next day they could literally hate you which is where Melanie adds the high school element where you could be friends with someone and then they are secretly two-faced and will talk about you behind your back. 

Orange Juice- Orange juice is pretty much another song about body objectifying and how you want to have the perfect body this song is about an eating disorder know as anorexia where you like to throw up the food you had previously eaten. A lot of girls suffer form anorexia because of wanting a perfect body.

Detention- If you don't fit your perfect role you get a punishment for it where you have to be quiet and entire period up to an entire day. Pretty much if you act out and are being yourself you will get detention. If you speak out, detention which is the purpose of detention being quiet which is to silence thoughts. 

Teacher's Pet- The stuff people will do for grades is insane and teachers will control students especially attractive male teachers in high school. They know they can get in the minds of young women because they will make them believe they love them and the girls will believe them because they are older and more mature than high school boys.

High school Sweethearts- The people you label as the perfect relationship in high school don't actually have the perfect relationship. Which adds to the having to pretend in school and fit a role. 

Recess- Recess is literally an example of putting one girl in a room with 100 guys. Its going to be crazy and wild and what does recess mean wild and crazy which is also where playground crushes come in and if you aren't playing the same role everyday on the playground some new girl will become the playground crush. 

Melanie Martinez's entire album was beautifully depicted into a childlike them and visually appealing which goes into the school like theme. 

This album is most definitely a 10/10!!

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