Everything Isn't Always As It Seems

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Stacy woke up this morning and noticed her husband wasn't in bed. They had an awful argument last night so she assumed he had already left early for work. Despite the turn of events last night she gets up so that she can prepare her husband's lunch and take it to him at work. When she gets downstairs, she noticed that Micheal was sitting at the kitchen table. "Good morning Michael", said Stacy. He ignored her and continued to read his newspaper. "So, you're just going to ignore me because of some argument that we had last night"? said Stacy. He continued to ignore her. This made her furious. She decided to make his lunch, leave it on the table and run her errands for the day. Stacy decided that she was going to go to the grocery and get Michael's favorite meal. If she cooked it, he could eat tacos every day.

As Stacy was entering the grocery store, she speaks to the security guard standing by the door. He ignored her. She assumed he was having a bad day and brushed it off. It was now time for her to cash out her groceries. "Hello Kim", said Stacy. Kim never looked up at her. "This must be a get on Stacy's nerves kind of day", she said. She snatched her grocery bag and proceeded to her car. She makes it home just in time to make her husband's dinner before he comes home.

It's now 6 PM and Michael still hasn't come home yet. She must've called him 20 times and he still didn't pick up. She looked over at the clock next to the bed and it was 11 PM. She called him a few more times and decided to turn in for the night.

The next morning, she woke up to Michael laying next to her. "MICHAEL WAKE UP NOW", said Stacy. He ignored her as if she wasn't speaking. " YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO IGNORE ME AFTER STAYING OUT ALL NIGHT. ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?", she screamed. Michael must've been tired of hearing her yell because he got up and went downstairs. She followed behind him as he proceeded to get in his car.

During the car ride, Stacy still proceeded to yell at Michael. The next thing you know, he bursts into tears. This made her feel awful and she apologized. The more she apologized the harder he cried. At this point, she didn't know what to do. She decided to be quiet for the rest of the ride. She couldn't help but be curious about where he was going.

An hour later, they arrived at the cemetery. At that moment, it all made sense to her. He was so sad because he was going to see his mom. His mom passed away 2 years ago and he hasn't been the same since then. Michael proceeds to get out of the car and she followed him.

The closer they get to where his mom is buried the harder he cried but upon her observation, he walked past his mom's gravesite. She was more confused than before. All of a sudden he stopped and fell to his knees. "I'm so sorry and I miss you so much. I wish I had more time", said Michael. She looked up at the gravesite and fell to her knees. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. It all started to hit her and She knew why things happened the way they did. The inscription on the tombstone read, In Loving Memory of Stacy Smith.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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