Another day

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The sky was overcast and gloomy. Carol always liked days like this. She enjoyed seeing the rain pour down onto the streets, the clouds huddled together like one big pillow. Whitty glanced at them, holding the bouquet of lilacs closer to his chest as the thought of Carol drifted into his mind, as it always did these days. 

He continued his way to the hospital, making his way inside and shuffling down the corridors, already knowing where her room was. As he approached the familiar room's door, Whitty stopped and drew in a breath. He always got a bit worked up whenever he was going to see her...but he had to stay brave, for her sake. She'd want that. 

He quietly opened the door and stepped into the white, bleary room. The dark gloominess from outside peered its way in from the window, casting grey shadows along the floor and wall as the tall bomb humanoid walked to the unconscious Carol's bedside. She was still asleep, like always. The small beep that came from the heart monitor attached to her chest was the only sound in the room, save for the occasional steady breathing that came from them both. 

"Hey Carol," Whitty began with a timid smile, sitting down next to her in a chair that was too small for his size, still clutching the bouquet. "I brought you your favorites. I thought you'd like them when you wake up." 

He placed the lilacs into the empty vase that rested on the nightstand, letting the purple petals gently sway before settling over the container. Whitty touched a petal, his smile wavering as his eyes glanced down at Carol's sleeping face, the oxygen mask on her mouth obscuring it.

He so badly wanted to reach out and remove it, to hold her face in his hands and never let her go. He wanted to kiss her cheeks and smother her with all the affection he had built inside. But what would be the point if she wasn't awake to feel any of that? 

"..It's been pretty boring without you around you know." He began with a clear of his throat, putting his hands in his lap. "Kinda lonely at home. Our show was on today. I won't spoil it though, the uh, doctors told me you can hear stuff around you so, I won't say a word until you're awake." 

Whitty knew he was rambling but he knew he couldn't help it. He didn't want her to fade away. He had to keep conversation as much as he could. 

"I made pasta last night instead of ordering out. I..It wasn't the best but I tried. I only burnt a bit of it, but I think you'd be proud." One hand clutched at his sleeve, curling into a fist, "I hope.." 

A long silence passed. Carol continued to lay in bed, unmoving. Her eyelids didn't even twitch. Or a muscle. Not anything. 

"I miss you." 

Still nothing. 

"I..I miss you so much, Carol, I-" Whitty brought a hand up to cover his eyes, hunching over in his chair as he choked out the sob that he had been holding in. "I-I just want you to c-come home...I-I hate seeing you like this." 

He started to weep openly as he lowered himself over onto her bedside, grabbing at the sheets as he sobbed. "I-I'm so sorry..I didn't mean to h..h-hurt y-you...I'm so sorry.." 

He continued to cry, wishing with that foolish part of himself that if he was loud enough she'd wake up. But she still didn't. She only kept sleeping. 

The gloominess outside was growing darker.

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