Once upon a time a beautiful, ice castle carved of the most marvelous and shiny ice, sat atop a hill in a faraway land called Hope. The Ice King ruled the gorgeous kingdom with the protection of a blue, metallic dragon whose wings spread over fifty yards past the length of any airplane's. The sky was blue and the sun shone an immaculate brightness illuminating the kingdom, keeping it lively and drenched in amazing colors. The twinkling path leading away from the castle, however, was interrupted by a dark, evil path lined by dead trees.
The sky darkened as twilight overcame the cynical fortress. Any vegetation was dead and sprawled on the ground lifeless and unhappy. The Fire Lord reigned over this horrible land with the help of his dragon, who retained a dull coppery tone rather than metallic. Dark magic loomed over his grey castle in a shadowy heap. Both of the dragons had eggs the height of one mortal human and has the biggest circumference measuring six feet. The eggs were crystal with a golden design in-layed with diamonds and wielded the greatest of all powers. While the Ice King tried to protect them, the Fire Lord wanted to harness their powers to darken the world and become the superior leader of the entire enslaved humanity.
In order to the eggs as their own, they emerged from their gates to go to war. This battle between King and Lord, dragon and dragon, and kingdom and refuge would decide the fate of not only humanity, but the world, and quite possibly the universe.