Notes I found on my ipod 4

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Have you left the house
From officer Jenny

No I'm too lazy too leave idiot
From sarina

I'm coming to arrest you
From officer Jenny

No your not stupid face dude
From sarina

My Executioner is out to get u from OJ

I just sued you and your Executioner

Oh yeah
From OJ

Yeah I have a lawyer and I call court
From S

From OJ

Why are you so dumb and stupid
From S

Because I want too be and you can't own turtwig anymore now how is that he he he
From OJ

I'm not going to get rid of turtwig and I didn't even get him from you so I don't have to give him away only proffesser oak can deicide that so yeah I don't have to give him away
From S

Oh yes you do because I made Ash get rid of pickicu
From OJ

Yeah but that's Ash not me
From S

I'm gonna call professor oak and see what he says
From OJ

Fine we will see what he says
From S

I need to take a poop
From OJ

From S

You have to get rid of turtwig sorry but if OJ says so you do so and I date her
From Professer Oak

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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