VLSI stands for Very Large Scale Integrated circuits that consists of millions of transistors and its main purpose is to reduce the area, improve the speed of the chip, and reduce power losses. In each and every electronic device, Integrated Circuits are used. So, the demand for VLSI engineers is increasing day by day. The VLSI sector is a highly technical field that is completely based on electronics and electrical engineering. One needs to be strong enough in the engineering subjects like circuit analysis ,digital electronics,Verilog etc. Also one must be familiar with the EDA tools that are used in chip design.
Desirable skills for the VLSI industry are:
❏ Programming: Good programming skills will help in the field of digital design and verification. Object oriented programming is mostly used these days.
❏ Problem-solving ability: Designing involves converting a specification to code. Debugging skills are handy to identify and fix coding errors.
❏ Think out of the box- This skill is useful in identifying the best way to design/verify such that time and effort are saved and we get a better design in terms of power and area.
❏ Quick-learning- WIth the rapid advancement of technology, one needs to get himself adapted with new technologies.
❏ One must have good knowledge of scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Shell etc.
❏ Apart from the above requisites, one must have strong communication skills.
The Training Institutes thereby play a crucial role in making the prospective candidates industry-ready by assisting them in :
● Real-time projects -The real-time projects help students to understand the industry better as this would give them a good practical exposure.
● Time-Management - This is very important as it would help the students to complete the assigned projects effectively on time.
● Working in huge teams - While handling projects one might have to work in huge teams so one must be acquainted working in teams where good listening skills would be required.
● Organizational skills - The one who possesses organizational skills works systematically and achieves desired results.
● Soft-skills - Good communication skills help interacting with people thereby knowing customer needs and serve them better.
VLSI Courses - Qualification and Expectation
Science FictionVLSI stands for Very Large Scale Integrated circuits that consists of millions of transistors and its main purpose is to reduce the area, improve the speed of the chip, and reduce power losses. In each and every electronic device, Integrated Circuit...