Once Upon A Time....

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.... In a land far away and in a time long forgotten, there was a kingdom called Minecraftia. A kingdom of magic, wizards, fairies, and of course, fairy tales. Here, lived all of the Nursery Rhymes, Bedtime Stories, Legends, and Fairy Tales you all know and love today. Each and every one of your favorite characters living in peace and harmony and happiness in this kingdom... Or so you think......


A young kid jumps on his seat, waking up from a nap during classes that was interrupted by the teacher, Mrs Goose. His hazel eyes look around the room of his fellow 4th grade classmates giggling at him, making him blush in embarrassment. He pulls his hood down, covering his laughed-at face. The teacher, however, doesn't see this as humorous. Her expression was rather terrifying for a teacher who is usually kind. She clears her throat, making the symphony of giggles go down until it was dead silence. The boy gulps as the Mrs Goose makes her way to his desk.

"U-uh....." He stutters.

"Mister Hughes, this is the sixth time you have slept during class. We are talking about a topic that you need to know and you are just sleeping and drooling all over your desk!"

Mitch then notices a small pool of drool on the desk and some on his cheek. He quickly wipes the saliva off his face and uses his sleeves to wipe away the rest on the table. Some of the kids giggled a little more before being silenced by Mrs Goose. The embarrassed child's cheeks turn a brighter red as he slightly bends over to make him a little smaller.

"Stay after school, Mitch. we need to talk to your mother about this."

The class 'oooooOOOOOO's before being silenced again. Mrs Goose goes back to her desk. She resumes the lesson, keeping an eye on the slacker, who is slouching on the chair. Eventually she did't pay attention during the classwork session and just read a newspaper. Everyone got a paper to work on, and everyone went to work immediately. All except Mitch that is.

Mitch sighs and pushes the paper to the edge of the desk on top of some other papers. He rests an elbow on the window edge he sits next to, looking outside. The view was amazing. The Town Square, Market Place, and a nice view of his own cottage close by, with the (rather creepy) Minecraftian Forest in view past the red cottage. It's a huge forest that reaches the very edge of the Kingdom's boarder, and practically covers 35% of the area of the kingdom, and considering the kingdom is HUGE, thats pretty big. Mitch sighs and stares at the thick bunch of trees that hold rumors of people coming in but never coming out. He wishes he could just walk out of here and go find out what creepy stuff is hidden in those forests. Buuut at the same time no.

As Mitch looks, he sees something in the forest. The feeling of being watched flows through him once more. He sits up straighter and leaning towards the window more, slightly hovering. He looks closer only to see nothing, but in the blink of an eye a dark figure appears in the trees. He makes a small jump in surprise before hearing a stack of papers slide and fall of a desk and onto the floor.

Mitch snaps back to reality and looks down to see it was his own and picks up the classwork. Luckily no one noticed, only a few people turn but went back to work. He looks out again to see the figure gone. Strange. As always. He decides to start working on his work before the bell rings, but cant help but glance out the window every so often.

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