Police Squad

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This was from Theatre Class last year.

We were given this prompt and and had to finish it.

Prompt: You went to bed like any other night and were out like a log in minutes. But when you woke up, you weren't at home. You were in a car (that wasn't yours), wearing clothes (that weren't yours), and holding a bag full of money (that wasn't yours). Suddenly you hear a police siren.....

as the car speeds up, making sharp turns as we wound through the streets. I glanced back and saw 5 police cars all in hot pursuit, sirens blazing. I looked at the driver's seat, and saw a person with his hood pulled up. "What's going on?" I asked in a voice that was not mine. I glanced down at my hands, and saw thick fingers and hairy knuckles. These were not my hands! "What do you think is going on? We are dropping Marlee of in Germany with a bag of fake money to get the police off our tail." The guy driving said. Wait hold up! My name is Marlee! And that guy sounds like... like... like my ex-boyfriend Mark! The car made a sharp turn, and stared rattling. I glanced out the window to see that we were driving along a pier. I looked out the front window to see us drive off the edge off the pier. I grabbed the seats in front of me, waiting to drown, but then the car started moving. The car has transformed into a submarine! "Get Marlee out of the trunk." Mark said, pressing a button and opening a hatch next to me. It opened to the trunk and I saw myself lying there. all tied up and gagged. I grabbed my body and pulled it up out of the trunk while we coasted along. "Make the knots looser then inject her with this." Mark said, tossing back a small box. "She will wake up once we are gone, and we will be home free." He said, driving up the beach, most likely in Germany. I did what he said, but went to get a new piece of duct tape from my pocket when I felt a sheet of paper. I pulled it out and read

'Dear Marlee,
I'm sorry. I'm Jack, Mark's dad, and he is threatening me. We are heading to Russia once we drop you off, to join the army and take over Europe. I am very sorry to drag you into this. Please put this note on your own pocket, and it should help you not get arrested.

Also, we have switched bodies so I can show you what is going on. I am so sorry about this. I will try to stop my son.


I did what the note asked, and put it in my own pocket. We pulled up in front of of an old, abandoned looking warehouse and opened the car doors. I awkwardly climbed out and carefully picked myself up. We walked into the building and put me over in the corner, then arranged me so that I didn't look placed here. Mark put the fake money bag next to me and we walked back to the car. Once in the car I passed out.

I rolled over and felt some ropes fall off me. My eyes opened and I saw the ceiling of the warehouse. I tried to yawn, but couldn't, and remembered I had duct tape on my mouth. I sat up and gently pulled the duct tape off my mouth, though it hurt a little. I stood up and stretched, happy to be back in my own body. I glanced at the window to see it was night, and that the police were probably here, based on the flashing lights outside. I grabbed the bag that Mark left me, and opened it. The money inside looked real, but I could tell it was fake. I heard "Please come out with your hands up" from the outside, and sighed. I pulled the note from my pocket, and with the fake money and note in my hand, walked out of the warehouse.

"Officer, I would like to apologize for your inconvenience, and also request that you close off the border to Russia before the real criminals get there." I said, handing the man closest to me the money bag. I walked calmly over to the main officer and showed him my note. He read it over, looked at me for a minute, and pulled his phone out. "Alert the border to Russia, you have some serious criminals heading your way." He barked into the phone. "Thank you ma'm, sorry for all this. The men that kidnapped you are wanted in all of Europe for robbery of the government banks." He apologized, and beckoned another officer over. "Please escort this young lady home." he asked, and the young man motioned me foward. We walked to his squad car, and climbed in front. "To home we go."I laughed, and the car started moving, speeding up until it went through a portal and off to my home planet, with my boyfriend Eric.

Idek what I wrote in March... But my teacher liked it


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