• Nine •

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Beep Beep.

I woke up to an annoying sound as well as my idiot brother and sister from another mother, arguing.

"Ugh." I groan turning into my pillow. "Shut up guys."

They all yell my name making me cringe. Did they have to be this loud.

"Hows it going Jo?" I open my eyes, blinking at the brightness before staring at the idiot. "Peachy. Just peachy." My snark didn't faze him a bit because he just smiled at me.

Looking around I see everyone but Kate and Si. I frown at them, maybe they were at home.

"So how's Si and Kate?" They stare at me with frowns. "Shit did their parents completely wig out?"

"Josie." I stare at them really confused.

"What?" JJ sits next to me before grabbing onto my hand. "Jo Jo they didn't make it, skull mask and camp nightwing got them."

We were supposed to get out of this town together, live together like a real family.

I just stared at the wall behind them with a blank look before smiling at them shaking my head.

"So what our story?"

They stare at my fake smile before explaining the story. How we were going to blame Kate and Si because no one would believe us about the witch.

"Okay." It felt like a few pieces of my heart were missing. I went to sit up when a sharp pain hit. "Shit." Welp I'm not going to love this later on.

The door opens and in comes a woman in a white coat, she smiled at me while eyeing my friends.

"Miss Montgomery. It's good to see you up." She looks over her clipboard with a frown. "I'm Doctor Marie Jameson, could you all please give us some privacy."

"We'll see you later jo" Dee kisses my cheek before walking out with the others. I wave them out doing an awkward peace sign.

"Now miss Montgomery." I cut her off with a smile "Josies fine."

"Josie. You have suffered quite a horrible fall." She reads off of her clipboard. "34 stitches all together. There was no infection, luckily."

"Shit." She looks at me weirdly before placing her clipboard on the end of my bed. "What it's not like I'm dying right." I jokingly say before looking over her face.

She stays silent making sputter out in shock. "Wait am I actually going to die?" I sat up wincing even more.

"No Josie it's not that, that you should be worrying about." She was starting to piss me off. She couldn't just tell me instead of make it into a riddle.

"Okay then what's wrong with me?"

"Josie What I am about to tell you is going to become a big shock for you." What the fuck. Just tell me. "Okay you're starting to really scare me."

"Josie. From all the tests that we have run. It appears that you are around
6 and a half weeks pregnant. The baby surprisingly survived the fall." She grabbed onto my hand softly squeezing it, her eyes were wide in happiness. This was a nightmare.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now