Happy 13th Birthday, Myda!

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The date was June 26th, 2021. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City. Myda Seki (Smiling Miku #3) was still sleeping that morning. Until her mother called her and her sister Eir (Smiling Miku #2) for breakfast. Myda dressed into her usual outfit and went downstairs.

Mr. Seki: Good morning, girls.

Smiling Miku #2: Good morning, Daddy!

Smiling Miku #3: Morning, Daddy.

Mrs. Seki: Happy birthday, Myda!

Smiling Miku #2: It's Myda's birthday today?

Mr. Seki: It is June 26th.

Smiling Miku #3: Thank you, Mom and Dad.

Mrs. Seki: I can't believe you're 13 already. Time really has flown, hasn't it dear?

Mr. Seki: Yes, it is.

Smiling Miku #3: Can Yūri come to our house today? Please?

Mrs. Seki: Of course, Myda.

Smiling Miku #3: Yay!

After breakfast, Eir and Myda were playing together outside when all of a sudden, they saw Yūri's parents' car pull up in their driveway.

Smiling Miku #2: It's Yūri!

Yūri came out of the car. She was holding something in her hands.

Smiling Miku #3: Yūri!

Myda and Eir hugged Yūri.

Smiling Miku #1: Hi, Eir. Hi, Myda.

Smiling Miku #2: What you got there? Is that a birthday present for Myda?

Smiling Miku #1: Yes, it is.

Mr. Seki: But we're going to open it later.

Smiling Miku #3: Aww...

Mrs. Seki: Come inside, girls. It looks like it's going to rain.

And that's what the girls did. They had fun all day long.

Smiling Miku #3's BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now