III. Answers

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Seattle was in the throes of a violent storm when my plane touched down

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Seattle was in the throes of a violent storm when my plane touched down. I wasn't used to such heavy rain and the thought of having to face the elements added even more pressure on my already frazzled nerves.

Anxiety riddled my body as I trudged off of the plane with my backpack - the only possession I had in the whole world at that point - in hand. I gave the sweet flight attendant a weak smile as I passed. I wondered idly what it must feel like to have so much freedom, to wake up in a new place every morning. I envied her.

As I pushed past the crowd that was forming around the baggage claim carousel it occurred to me that I had no idea where I was going. The letter Alec left me said someone would pick me up, but he didn't say who. Was it the mysterious Dr. Cullen? Would he have the answers to all of the burning questions in my head?

I let out a heavy sigh. The weight of my problems grew heavier with each breath I took. I blinked the tears out of my eyes and pressed on. I took a deep breath and pulled out Alec's letter again. I read and reread it carefully, looking desperately for clues.

"Excuse me," a woman's voice addressed me.

Surprised, I looked up and shoved the letter back into my bag. I could hear it wrinkling and I cringed at the thought of damaging such an elegant note.

"I've been sent to collect you," the woman said. She was petite and had a short crop of black hair that pointed in almost every direction.

My involuntary reaction was to scream bloody murder in the middle of the airport.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the woman said quickly. "Please. I mean you no harm."

I looked at her for a long moment, sizing her up. Somehow, despite everything, I believed her. I had always had an unusually strong intuition. Sometimes it was a bit spooky how spot on I could be.

"Okay," I said shakily. Although she looked like one of the monsters in Italy, the woman had topaz eyes instead of that horrifyingly crimson.

"I'm Alice," she introduced herself with a soft smile. "Alice Cullen. I'm going to take care of you, I promise."

A small wave of relief washed over me.

"Thank you," I whimpered, quickly wiping away a few tears that had managed to fall.

"Of course!" she looked at me with deep concern. She tentatively pulled me into a hug. Her body was as cold and firm as a stone.

As she embraced me an old saying popped into my head.

'It's more scared of you than you are of it.'

I had no idea what those words popped into my head and it didn't make any sense so I let it go.

"Come on," Alice said soothingly. "Let's get you out of here."

Alice and I quickly made our way to the entrance of the airport where we were joined by two more monsters. One was a tall, lean boy with bronze hair and the other was a small girl with long brown hair and was about my height. They were holding hands and had matching topaz eyes, just like Alice.

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