Life carries on

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"And here we have some of BTS with us fresh from their stint in the military, so RM tell us do you plan to carry on are the fans going to be upset?"
"Well, we have been away a long time and there are newer younger groups stepping up all the time,we have all decided to take a different path and hope the fans won't be too upset.Tae can't be here today as he is applying for a part in a drama,Suga is in America as you know he is a very good producer,I myself have bought a small orchard farm."
"Ah,I'm sure the fans will be devastated,so Jimin, Jungkook and Jin what are your plans, we know Hoseok has opened his own shop here in Seoul which from what I have heard his clothes are in high demand?"
" yes,he is doing very well," Jin said," I am going to run a restaurant which I bought a while back not far from his place, we still like to meet up with each other and so it will be nice to cook for the others there as I used to before,but let me assure prospective guests I do have a fully qualified chef ," he laughed.
"And Jimin?"
"Oh, I'm still weighing up my options," the small boy nervously laughed, catching the stares he got from the others.
"And of course Jungkook you have always seemed so good at everything, what are you going to do?"
"Well I like to make videos so I may go the professional way with that and I enjoy painting and writing songs,HYBE have already offered me a job doing the writing and videos so I'm very lucky."
The interview finished and the boys left.
"We'll do you all want to come to my place,see my new venture and have a meal?" Jin asked, they all nodded.
On arrival they found Hobi there,"hi guys ,Tae is meeting us here in half an hour."
Jimin saw Jungkooks smile widen,so it's still there he thought sadly, remembering the attraction that seemed to be between the two.
They all sat around a large table,Jin going off to the chef telling him what he would like prepared and coming back to the table with Wine and beers.
"Choose your poison" he said, then raising his glass he said," to old friends, with us and absent and they all raised their glasses, just as a loud voice came," it's ok you can start the party now I'm here!" And Tae stepped up to the table, looking for a seat,"jimin budge over let Tae sit here," Jungkook said, Jimin moved used to being brushed off by the other.
Everyone started talking amongst themselves,Jimin just listened,he had become used to being ignored, he was never the go to guy of the group although he was always the caring guy,there to cheer them up when something went wrong, there to fetch and carry when they were hungry or didn't want to get up to get something , he felt he was in a group but never really part of it, remembering the scoldings he got if he was late,as if others never were, the times he was blamed for messing up a task, he tried his hardest to fit in , trained twice as hard as anyone else,dieted to the point of passing out so he didn't make the others embarrassed by his looks.he knew they cared for him but he never felt quite enough.
"Hmmm ,sorry Tae, I drifted off what did you say?"
" I asked what your plans are?"
"Erm, nothing at the moment ,I always thought of BTS being around for a longtime so I don't know what to do with myself now."
There was silence,then," you will be ok though Jiminee?" Jungkook asked,worried for the small boy.
"Ah,sure,just need to get my act together ," he smiled at the other grateful for his concern.
The food came and the boys ate and drank ,discussing the military and what if's.
"What if," said Jin," the public had got their way and we didn't have to serve in the military,do you think we would still be together?"
" fuck yes ," said Tae," we were getting better as we got older, our fandom was reaching more people and just think of the revenue we were bringing into the country, sorry to say, so far there hasn't been a group as good as us."
"He's right , we would have progressed further, we definitely got better, but now with this long break we can't keep up," RM said.
"Well I definitely missed you guys, it seemed such a longtime without you all." Jungkook said patting Tae on the back,
Jimin smiled at the others while inwardly thinking , yes I wish the public had got the government to change its mind or shortened it to four or five months, they had already done their fair bit for the country becoming envoys, bringing in wealth and recognition of their country,if it hadn't happened he wouldn't have felt like he was a public enemy for being gay in the military,although never officially coming out it wasn't hard to guess and the army was a very homophobic place.
"Oh well ,gotta go said Namjoon, the farm takes a lot of my time up so I need to get back,I'll call you all," he nodded thanking Jin and leaving.
Gradually they all left the restaurant except Jin got up to leave, standing outside they all decided to get cabs as Jin said they could leave their cars there as they had been drinking ,Hobi waved himself off after telling them he lived nearby.
Tae ,Jungkook and Jimin got in one taxi,"who's first said Jungkook,Tae said his address and Jimin muttered he was staying in a hotel," why don't you both come back to my place said Jungkook, there's room and I can find you some clothes?" Tae jumped at the idea and Jimin said he didn't want to bother them but was overruled ,so they all made their way to Jungkooks,jimin worried he'd be the unwanted guest.

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