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Night had fallen, most of the Shepherds were asleep. It was stormy, lightning illuminated the campground. Robin was afraid of the thunder and lightning.  He sat in his bed with his head in his knees, keeping his thoughts somewhere else. If only Chrom was there with him now, he would comfort him and tell him it was alright.  Whenever thunder crackled, he would hold him and smooth his hair out. But no, nobody was there.

He was alone.

He knew where Chrom would be, too. The storm was loud enough to drown out any noises they would be making. He sighed heavily,  tears running down his face.  Why did this have to happen? He shouldn't be crying by himself, was he really this weak?

"Nobody is coming to save you." He heard a voice in his head say.

"Nobody is coming to save me...Im alone. All by myself...Worthless..." he muttered, sinking slowly into despair.

He heard someone approaching, Robin quickly wiped his tears with a blanket.

Sumia walked in, smiling.

"Sorry, am I interrupting your party of one?" she asked, stepping closer.

Robin felt the back of his neck grow hot,  a lump in his throat formed.  He knew exactly why she was here.

"Guess what Chrom and I just did?"

He remained silent.

"Oh, I'm sure you can figure it out since you're soooo smart!" Sumia laughed, crossing her arms. "You look so down in the dumps,  Robin. Cheering up would be in your best interest."

"Thank you for your concern,  but I am fine." he looked away from her.

"You're no fun, where are my reactions?  Are you too smart to feed them to me? Even though your beloved and I..."

"Stop it!" he cried, "You already have what you want. Why are you here?" he raised his voice,  regretting it instantly.

"Oh, that got a rise from you! I did come here to gloat! Also, I have some new terms for you to abide by. If you want your relationship to be a secret, that is."

"...What is it?"

"I can't have you sneaking around, listening to me and Chrom talk. Because I know you've been spying on us. Leave the couple alone! Although,  if I just tell you, I know you won't listen. Unless, something happened so you couldn't be sneaking around camp..."

"What are you proposing?" he bit his lip.

"I need you either dead or almost dead. In an accident so you aren't allowed to leave your bed. Anything will do."

"That's insane. I need to be able to move around on my own!" he cried out.

"But I don't need you to. In the time it takes for you to recover,  I can win Chrom's heart the right way. Meanwhile I'll forbid him from seeing you, so I know you're not secretly plotting."

"I refuse." he stated flatly.

"You know what that means then..."

"...Fine. I don't know how to get into an accident on purpose though."

Thunder boomed, and then lightning stroke. Robin became alarmed, Sumia noticed.

"Nobody would dare be out in this storm. We could go stage your accident now. I'll use a dagger,  and you can say some bandit caught you off guard."

"...I don't want to be out in the storm."

"Neither do I,  we will make it quick."


They stood a few hundred feet from the camp, soaking wet.

"Just so you know, I'm not going to bring you back to the camp. You'll stay out here until someone finds you. It'll probably be tomorrow."


She took out the dagger and laughed.

"I've been waiting to do this since the day we met."

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