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Rod nodded his head understandingly as Rio unleashed a tirade against him. She was spitting mad for sure. He could tell that just from the tone, the force with which she ranted. Of course, he couldn’t understand a word that she said—her voice was too muffled.

Still, he thought, all in all, the gag had been a good idea.

“Just a little longer, babe, then I’ll untie you. Promise!” he reassured her from his chair next to her bed. He rose to check the knots again, then sat back down and picked up his book. A few minutes later, another outburst of angry protest came from the bed. He set the book back down and sighed. “Listen, like I said, it’s just a little longer. It’s 2:30 now—I can’t untie you until 3:00. Then it’ll be too late for you to enter the festival.”

More squirming and angry noises.

“I know, I know. You really wanted to your yak to win. But don’t you see? If you entered, you’d win for sure—you always do. Then everyone pays so much attention to you, and they crowd around you and congratulate you. And the guys—I’ve seen how they look at you, even the guys here from the village, the ones that know you’re mine. And you are, you know—you’re my girlfriend. And I don’t want to share you with anyone. So after that last crop festival—when Allen was coming on to you, even though he’s supposed to be my friend—I decided that I couldn’t take it anymore. It’s not fair, Rio—you shouldn’t even want anyone else to look at you but me. So here you are, and here you’ll stay, at least until registration is over.”

More angry sounds, very emphatic ones.

“It’s no good, you know. I learned to tie knots from an old fisherman when I was a kid. Very useful skill, don’t you think? Aren’t they super? They won’t come loose, so you might as well just be patient. You’re only going to end up with rope burns if you keep it up.” He picked up his book again, taking another quick look at the clock before finding his place. Still twenty minutes to go.


Setting his book down, Rod stood and stretched. Rio had dozed off just a little bit ago, worn out from fighting her bonds all that time. He smiled down at her. She was so beautiful, so… so perfect. He had hated to do this to her. Just not as much as he hated having to share her even just a little bit. With a glance at the clock, he saw that it was actually 3:15 now—registration was over and the festival was well underway. He frowned, knowing that the villagers would wonder where she was, and he hoped none of them would take it upon themselves to come looking for her. Shrugging a little, he decided probably not—festivals were so busy, no one would have the time, not until it was over anyway.

He looked down at her for a moment longer, then he bent down and kissed her cheek. Oh, man, did she smell good, he thought. Like honey and wildflowers and… and just her. She startled awake, turning her eyes towards him. She stared, slightly dazed in drowsy confusion. “Hiya, babe,” he whispered into her ear.

He reached down and began to untie the knots around her ankles first, wondering how best to appease her. As the last knot loosened and he slid the ropes from her legs, he looked up at her. She was fully awake now, and looked as mad as a nest of hornets. Well, that was to be expected, he thought.

“I’ll make it up to you, babe. I promise!” he said in his cheerful voice. Before he moved on, he took a few minutes to rub her legs, knowing that they must ache from being tied up for so long. She had gorgeous legs, he thought as he massaged first one, then the other. So long and lean, already lightly tanned from wearing shorts out in the fields that spring. And her skin—it was so smooth and soft. Rio definitely took good care of herself. He frowned slightly, remembering the many times Allen had made that observation.

Leaving her wrists bound for the moment, he climbed up on the bed and sat on her stomach to hold her still while he untied the gag. Her struggles against it had tightened the knots slightly, so it took a little longer than expected to undo them.

As he slipped the cloth from her mouth, she struggled beneath him, glaring up at him. “You!” she hissed angrily. “You son of a bitch! Untie me right this second, then get the hell out of my house! You and I are thrmmph!”

He cut her words off, quickly bending down to kiss her, pressing his mouth firmly against her so-soft lips. Her mouth was sweet, he thought as he tasted every corner of it. Honey again, and did she actually eat flowers? She tasted like she smelled—sweet and flowery.

Kissing her still, he slid one hand under her head, then ran his fingers through her honey-colored hair. Silky and soft, he thought with pleasure. Remembering Allen discussing her hair—how fine it was, and what a pleasure it was to style, and how much he loved having her come into his salon—he felt a surge of heat course through him. Damn it, Rio was his girlfriend! Not Allen’s!

His kisses intensified as he slid his hand down her neck, her shoulder, and to her breast. She squirmed a little, but as he slipped the fabric of her bra out of the way and gently rubbed the tip of her nipple, feeling it harden beneath his touch, she instead began to push up into his hand rather than pulling away from it. He slipped his hand over to the clasp nestled into her cleavage and managed to undo it, the two halves springing apart and releasing her breasts with a slight bounce. He caressed first one, then the other, thinking to himself that, like the rest of her, they were perfect. Generously sized without being huge, firm and round, the nipples hard and—judging from her response—very sensitive to his touch.

Pushing the fabric of her tank top up, he moved  over to the side and leaned down to tease one of the tips with his lips and tongue. Squirming, Rio gasped, then panted, “R-rod… no… don’t, I-I don’t… don’t….”

He looked up at her, his brow furrowed. “You don’t want me to?”

With another squirm, she shook her head. “N-no, don’t… don’t stop….” she gasped.

He smiled at her, caressing his hand down her firm, flat stomach to the waist of her shorts. “Well, that’s all right, then,” he replied as he leaned back down to her.


Undoing the last knot from the rope that had tied her left hand to the bedpost, he slipped the rope away, careful not to disturb her. She lay sprawled across the bed, unclothed and damp with sweat, exactly as she’d fallen asleep afterwards, exhausted by their exertions. The festival should have ended half an hour ago, he thought as he looked at the clock. With a grin, he coiled the ropes up and pulled his clothes back on. He’d untied her wrists long ago, but hadn’t bothered to remove the ropes from the posts until now. Watching her sleep, he figured that she’d probably forgiven him by now, or at least wasn’t so mad.

He sat at her dining table and pulled his shoes back on, tying the laces firmly. He felt much better now, he thought. That was the first time they’d been together in that way, and now he felt a little more certain of her—just a little. He still hated the thought of sharing her, though, or of others paying attention to her, distracting her from him. He stood up and walked into her kitchen, to the calendar hanging on the wall by her fridge.

Ahh, perfect, he thought, the honey festival is only four days away! He grinned broadly to himself as he gathered up his ropes and the cloth gag and walked out the door, closing it silently behind him.

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