be careful with my heart

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Be Careful With My Heart

The story took place after their trip to San Nicolas so let’s suppose that Richard successfully did get her back. 

On with the story! Kapit-bisig! ?

“Richard, hindi mo mahal si Maya. Crush lang. Nothing wrong with that. Normal lang yun,” he convinced himself as he slowly stirred his coffee on the kitchen counter.

After taking a sip of his coffee, he heard a gasp. He almost choked as he realized someone might have heard him. Tongue-tied, he turned his head around in slow motion. His surprised eyes mirrored hers.

“Sir Chief?”

Her cheeks are rose-colored. How attractive, he thought as he watched her approach him. He couldn’t help the slight opening of his mouth. She looked like an angel in her white nightgown. How could an angel be so tempting?

He moved backward and bumped himself against the kitchen counter. He had no way out. This angel would definitely get him. Couldn’t she move faster? He couldn’t wait for her to take him to heaven.

Leaving only a few inches between them, she looked at him with hazed eyes.

“C-crush nyo po ako Sir Chief?” she asked, disbelief colored her tone.

He swallowed hard as he looked at her red, full lips. Warmth spread throughout his entire body.

“Kung…” he started as he lifted his right hand to the side of her neck.

The warmth was already pulsating in his veins. He suddenly became feverish upon the contact.

“…okay lang sa ‘yo?”

Her lack of response was agonizing. His breath quickened as he watched her bit her lip.

“Okay,” she answered breathlessly after a seemingly endless silence.

Yet agony was still not over for him. He felt an intense need to land his lips to the spot where she bit hers. Slowly, he closed the distance between their faces; his lips hovered over hers for a moment. He was deliberating if he would do it gently or hungrily and decided that he would do both.

But he was not able to do it because the alarm clock rang.


He fluttered his eyes open, the image of the angel’s face still vividly etched in his mind. He rolled over to his side and turned the blasting thing off.

“A dream?” he asked himself as he lay flat on his back.


He was still out of it when he went downstairs to join his kids for breakfast. The dream still bugged him to no end. He forced himself to not look at the subject of his dream when he sat down on his usual seat in the dining room.

“Good morning, dad,” Luke and Nikki greeted jovially.

“Good morning,” he replied, his tone less energetic.

Abby gave her dad an apprehensive look.

“Are you okay, daddy?” the little girl queried, concern evident in her innocent face.

Richard tried to lighten up.

“Of course, baby. Bakit naman hindi magiging okay si Daddy?” he answered, giving his youngest child a gentle smile.

He sneaked a glance on Maya, who seemed to not notice him. She was completely engrossed in assisting Abby in eating her breakfast. This irked him. But he tried his best to control his temper. He promised himself he would in no way upset her again. That was his new year’s resolution and his resolution for the next years he would be spending with her. How many more years she would stay with him, he didn’t know. He only hoped there was some way he could keep her forever, like an invisible thread that he could use to tie them with each other for an eternity.

be careful with my heartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon