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I Ace Cohen, born in a not wealthy family.

My mother is just a normal baker at our town who sells the best bread.

My father is out of the country.

"Mum! Im goin' out!" I shouted, walking down from our room after finishing folding my clothes

Shes focused on baking those well-known bread in our town.

She nodded and smiled "Go on Ace, just come back early" she said.

I walked over to her and kissed her cheek for goodbye.

If i can just help her for this i would, but she dont want me to learn for baking these bread.

I guess,she wants me to find my own job to  help her and so my family.

I walked out the door of our house and saw lots of people freely walking out.

"Ace! Ace!, Brilliant! Youre out of doors" The mailman ran up to me.

I oftenly help him deliver the mail to houses, of course he pay me.

A little money, so i can still help my mother for her business.

"Yeah, whats for today?" I answered with a slight smile on my face.

Well, he gave me out a few mails for houses.

"Here you go mate,You can see the addresses of the people's houses" He said pointing the addresses on the envelopes.

I waved goodbye to him as i walked off to the first address, i put it all inside my bumbag.

Prince Alexander Claudius.

It wasnt a nice day, turning 23 is the worst.

Felt so old this time, yet still struggling for my family telling me to find a wife for myself.

"Alexander hun?" My mother said,knocking to my door.

While i lay at my bed, gazing at the roof of my room.

She steadily sat beside me as she gave out a exhale "Cant find one dont you?" She mentioned.

I lifted up my head and looked at her "Youre indeed right mum, get even find the honorable woman for me" I answered.

Not being a homo, but i once liked a guy before.

"Really?  What if its not a woman?" She added.

I rapidly sat up my bed,i didnt expected my mum to question me that.

Is she testing me? I looked at her with my eyes widen.

"Mum im not gay,its genuine"  i answered.

She held my hand and snickered "Silly,Are you sure about that?" She said.

My jaw dropped because of these questions "I am sure, but why are you examining me with these questions?" I asked.

She messed my hair and smiled "Because, i will accept your decision if you love a man"

"Just that?"

"Uh-huh, okay then. Im gonna find you a woman.. Or a man" she added,standing up and leisurely walking out my room.

I standed up and walked out doors of my room, exploring the palace more.

Seeing woman who work here for years, i dont even know how their love works.

Or they dont have husbands.

"Find him a better man or woman" i overheard the conversation of my mom and the royal guards of hers.

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