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3rd person POV:


"Oh Tommy, your wings are so soft!" she whispered.

"Yeah! But I want big strong wings like Wil, mum!" the boy replied.

"You'll get some soon my little fledgling. Just wait until you're older, okay?" The boy huffed and looked the woman in the face. His small fingers intertwined with her long black hair.

"How come you don't have wings?" 

"While you may have wings, I have other powers!"

"Like what momma?"

"I'll tell you later alright? Now, I bet if you ask your father will show you how to fly. I'll even watch! But I need to go to the market first, alright?"

"Okay!" The boy spread his winds and ran out into the garden where his father was.

The woman watched as her husband took the boy into the air and swooped around with him. She knew the boy couldn't fly yet but it wasn't like it mattered. 

Eventually, she got up and left, taking an empty basket with her. 


"Wil, can you teach me some chords?" the smaller boy asked.

"Sure, I guess," the older one replied as he handed the younger one his guitar. "Now, you're going to want to hold it like- yeah, that." The smaller one could barely hold it but it still worked for the older one. "Now position your hands like this and strum."

The boy strummed and there was a plink and an "Oops!"

"D-did you just break a string?"

"I think so..."

"Tommy! You better be paying for that!"

"I don't have money!"

"Fuck... Phil! Can I get some cash to go to town?" the older boy called as he set the guitar down gently. "And don't touch it, Tommy."

There was no answer.

"Don't you remember he went to the nether today? And when's mum coming home? She left yesterday!" Tommy complained.

"You do understand how long it takes to get to the store right?" 

"Then why would you ask to go?!" Wilbur sighed and took out a notepad and pencil and started to scribble down some lyrics.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Trying to write some lyrics because my guitar is broke." The little boy ran out of the room and took the guitar. Wilbur didn't even look up nor notice that his guitar was gone.

The boy ran back in with a string instead of a regular guitar string.

"Look! I fixed it!" the boy said as he showed it to his brother. 

"Tommy I-! Thanks..." the other took the guitar and strummed a bit and the little boy ran back to his room, exited.


Later that night, the boy's father had come home with a half piglin who was going to be their new brother. 

Tommy was skeptical at first and asked tons of questions before Phil finally had to silence him and let the boy introduce himself.

His name was Techno and he was supposed to train with Phil to become the strongest and eventually become the king which neither of the boys believed, but 'it was always on the table' Phil said.


Tommy could watch Wilbur and his father soar around as he watched, still waiting for his mother to come home.

He had grown almost all of his adult feathers so he could probably fly. So he tried, but he failed.

And failed.

And failed again.

Before finally, he had made it into the air, just barely keeping a flight.

"Dad! Dadza look!" the boy called as he tried to fly to them his father on the other hand didn't look impressed. But the boy still tried to be like his brother, flying so high, almost touching the sky, but he knows he couldn't do that no matter how he tried.


These chapters are probably going to be kind of long and may take a bit of time so please be patient.

This is going to be my favorite book so far so please do share or recommend it to others for me <:]

[Word count: 665]


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