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So, I finally decided to publish a story XD This is just going to be about the backstory of my SoW OC, Tempest Sendaris. I don't really know where this story will go and when I'll finish it, and I might lose motivation from time to time. Anyways, here's the first chapter. Enjoy!

It was midnight in the Thundaerus Family Village, and Tempest couldn't sleep. Tiptoeing out of the cave, he was careful not to wake his mother. He perched himself dangerously close to the edge of the village overlook, and gazed down at the peaceful little village below him washed in bright, silvery moonlight. Everyone was asleep except for him, even the other Sendaris kids that harassed him all the time.

But despite the tranquility that blanketed the village, there was something off. Something was very, very wrong, and he knew it. Beyond the safety and protection of the village, lurking in the shadows was somebody who Tempest was pretty sure did not have good intentions. Actually, multiple somebodies. The dark presence was what had awoken Tempest in the first place, and now this same presence was making him uneasy. He shivered. It was like having something breath down the back of your neck, watching every move you make.

Tempest squinted at the horizon, but there didn't seem to be anyone. Maybe he was just imagining. He scanned the area again, just to make sure. But this time, he caught a glimpse of black shrouded in the mist. Before he could make out what it was, the deafening blast of a warhorn shattered the night's quietness.

The sound of the warhorn was so ear-splitting that Tempest almost fell off the overlook. He peered over at the horizon again, and this time, he could see them. Necromancers. Undead. Hundreds of them, carrying torches and armed with weapons, they poured out of the forest and were headed... straight for the village.

Tempest was frozen with fear, and continued to stare at the enormous army charging towards his home. He remained shocked for a few seconds before he snapped himself back to reality, and raced back into the cave to call his mother. As he darted around the humongous rock and pounded into the entrance, he ran straight into his mother Oceana, already awake and alert.

"Mother, we're being attacked! The Necromancers and Undead are here!" Before Tempest could finish his statement, his mother drew her enchanted iron blade and cut him off.

"Quick, go pack your essentials and come with me! We need to go!" she shouted, and Tempest did as he was told without asking questions. Rushing to his room, he strapped his father's diamond greatsword to his back (which took a lot of effort as it was extremely heavy), pocketed the Songs that were also passed down to him, and grabbed a few other things. He hurried out of his room and joined Oceana.

"Listen, Tempest. You follow me closely and do as you're told. Don't ask any questions, and if I don't make it out of here, run all the way to Master Firenis' house, you hear me?" her voice was stern and urgent, not at all like her usual calm self. Tempest nodded quickly, and the two rushed out of the cave.

When they made it to the heart of the village, the Undead were already there. The village was up in flames, and some people were putting the fires out. The other Sendaris warriors had also awakened and were already fighting. Songs were flashing this way and that, with weapons flying all around them. Shouts and screams filled the air, and despite the proficiency of the warriors, the outlook wasn't looking so good as they were soon outnumbered.

After telling Tempest to hide behind a bush, Oceana leapt straight into action. Decapitating three zombies at once and demolishing two skeletons with a Song, she fought ferociously like a lion with her gleaming sword slashing this way and that. Tempest watched his mother closely, praying for the best.

Oceana held her own pretty well until she was cornered by multiple Necromancers that closed in on her. Tempest's breathing quickened. He didn't want to lose his mother... not after his father was gone... He made his decision. Unsheathing his little wooden blade, Tempest stepped out from behind the bush. Oceana spotted him, and their eyes locked. Both of them knew that Tempest couldn't take on all of the Necromancers at once.

As the Necromancers circled her and advanced slowly, she looked at her son straight in the eye and shouted with all her might, "GO!" before Oceana disappeared from sight entirely and she was swarmed by the enemy. Tempest turned and fled, racing out of the burning village.

As Tempest ran and ran and ran, he fought the urge to go back and save his mother. He had to! His mother had told him to go... but she was going to die if he did! No! Tempest thought, and brushed these thoughts aside as he bolted away.

Tempest ran away, away from the blazing village. Away from the shouts and screams. Away from the flashes and explosions. Away from the battle. Away from his home. Away from his mother.

He ran and ran and ran, running through the forest, dashing between trees, ducking under vines, cutting down Undead with his little wooden sword as he went. He never looked back, and plunged ahead even when he was tired. But he knew deep in his aching heart, no matter how hard he ran, no matter how fast he went, he had lost his home. It was gone. His mother... was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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