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red(❤️) represents Yang yana
green(💚) represents lee Minho
White(🤍) 4th person pov/narrator


"It's hideous"

"What kind of person would wear this monstrosity"


7 times
seven times i've been rejected from fashion companies, and this one will be my eighth.
I dont know why i even came here, i already know no one likes my designs
yet here i am at the doors of isec, one of the best fashion companies.
The head designer here is in need of employees to help design.
I walk into the building, its beautiful
"Wow" i mumble

"Beautiful right?"
I look over and see man with short orange hair
He was a bit shorter than me but he looked frightening
Strong muscles all over, wide shoulders and an intimidating look in his eyes

"You done staring" he laughed showing a dimple on his right cheek
Maybe he isn't that intimidating

"O-oh yea" I said
I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way

"Im bangchan" he said holding out his hand

"Uh lee minho" i shook his hand

"So who are you" i asked

"Oh im her assistant" he said

"Whos assistant?" i asked confused on who "her" was

"Whos her?? you're probably new here" he chuckled a bit

"So what are you here for mr. newbie" he asked

"Uhm i wanted to show a couple of my uh designs" i answered

"Ohh" he made a "tsk tsk" sound

"She doesnt do basic so it may be a bit hard" he warned me
Of course i already knew thats, thats why i almost bailed

"Oh y-yea" i said

"So where do i go" i asked

"Oh follow me" he headed to a giant room with other designers standing in parallel lines probably waiting for their review

"Just go with them and wait for her" he said

"Oh okay, thank you" i bowed then got in the line

I looked over and saw a beautiful blue dress, i was mesmerised

The guy looked over and saw me staring at his design

"Do i look that good?" he asked

"No i was looking at the dress" i answered

"I-i mean yes but i was looki- i wasn't staring it you" i said defending myself

"No no your good man" he said

"Im han, you?" he asked

"Uh minho" i answered

"So you like my design?" he asked

"Oh yes its beautf-"

"Wait shh shes coming" He interrupted

A beautiful lady walked in, her entire aura looked expensive, its like she made money just by walking in the room.
She immediately started looking at everyones designs.
The first one was a red dress with gold lining and an opening on the left side of the waist lined with black and gold.

"No" she said already walking away

"H-huh?" the designer asked

"Its basic and you know what basic means?"

She leaned over to the person

"Hideous, now leave" she said

She started rating other dresses and she hasn't said yes to a single thing yet.

I started to walk away regretting even coming here in the first place, i already knew she was gonna say no to me.

"You!" she said.

"With the crazy outfit"

I paused in my tracks then turned around facing her
She started walking up to be making loud clacking sounds with her heels.

"Where'd you get that outfit, its extravagant" she said
She...likes my design

"I-i made it myself" I answered

She didn't react

"Show me the design in the bag sir" she demanded

"O-oh i was just leavi-"

"Show me" she said once more

i took the bag off of my design with my head down.

"Whats your name"she asked me

"L-lee minho" i was scared of how she would reject me, she could have just made this quick

"Okay lalee minho, you are hired, everyone else..out now!" she exclaimed

Me? Hired??

She got closer

"How come i've never seen one of your designs before" she asked

"I-i've never been hired by a company" i answered

"Really?" she started to slowly circle me

she started naming things she noticed on my outfit
"Makes sense, normal people would call this crazy" she said

"Follow me" she lead me to a room which i assumed was her office, the inside looked like a mini luxury suite

She showed me a cardboard with eight designs on them

"These, what do you think" she asked

"Well-" she handed me a pencil

"Make some magic for me" she said

i took that as my cue to started editing them

"Done!" i said

She started examining the dresses

"Perfect, your exactly who i need"

Like your style; minho ffWhere stories live. Discover now