Ask me questions!

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  • Dedicated to Everyone! Yes, Everyone.

I'm assuming you read the title. 

If you didn't... then why are you reading this? 


Okay. So ask me questions. They can be about anything. Wattpad, or not. This is the only time I'll be answering update questions/book info/spoilers. 

So ask away!

If anyone is actually reading this, I mean. 


Bag: The sooner you ask questions- the sooner she'll let me go!

Me: Shhh! *kicks bag, and looks at readers* Don't listen to my bag. Pfft. Don't we all have this problem? 

Bag: No! 

Me: *drags bag into another room* Thank you darling(s)! :) 


Another act of boredom ! By Cry. And yes. I made a cover. It's not that good- but it's better than the crap ones I've made before. XD 

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