Chapter 1.

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Your POV:

Elle and I were relaxing at Lee's house in our bathing suits.

Everything was quiet as we soaked in the sun, when all our phones dinged.

"Oh my god Lee look what Warren texted the entire school!" Elle yelled, staring at her phone with wide eyes. Not having opened my eyes, I didn't hear Lee respond. "Lee? Lee?" Elle spoke out.

I giggled a little, knowing exactly where he was. I got up from my chair and pulled Elle up from hers, guiding her over to the edge of the pool. "What are you doing?" She asked me. "Nothing, I just want to take a picture of you." I told her innocently. I backed away and pulled out my phone, setting it to record.

"3...2...1!" As I counted down we heard footsteps from the balcony, as Lee came running, jumping off the edge and down into the pool.

"Geronimo!!" He screamed

I laughed as Elle tried to run away but was unsuccessful, as Lee splashed into the water, soaking both Elle and I in the process. "Lee!" Elle screamed.

"That was a good one" Lee and I say in unison as he gets out of the pool and tries to hi-five me. "No don't you dare come near me, you're all wet." "So? You're already soaked anyway" "Not as much as you are" I turn around and run away giggling, as Lee chases me around the pool, before he grabs me and hoists me over his shoulder.

"Lee put me down!" I try to sound convincing but I keep giggling as we get closer to the pool. "No can do y/nn" He called me by my nickname. Before I could respond he pushed me off his shoulder, letting me freefall into the pool, but before I hit the water I grabbed his leg and pulled him in with me.

We both came to the surface laughing and splashing each other. "You're a geek." I told him.

"So are you" He remarked back. We laughed with each other as I splashed him with water and climbed on his back, wrestling around with him in the water as he wrestled me back, before twisting me around to his front as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands rested underneath my thighs. We stared at each other, before Elle broke the moment. "Ahem. rule number nine"

Lee and I quickly let go of each other and attempted to hide our blush from each other. "Shut up Elle, I don't like him like that" Lee hummed in approval. "Ok. if you say so." She smirked knowingly. I swiftly got out of the pool, wrapping a towel around my shoulders and sitting down on the chair, before Lee came over and sat down on the end of the chair, lifting my legs up and placing them on top of his.

"So tomorrow the student council is expecting our dance club's idea for the fall fundraiser. We're gonna be in trouble if we don't come up with something fast."

Lee and I groan. I see Elle looking behind us, so I turn my head and see none other than Noah Flynn, Ladies man, a player, and the boy who I treat as my older brother. Elle has had a crush on him for the longest time, but she's too scared to do anything about it out of fear of Lee flipping out because of rule number nine.

"Lee, have you seen my athletic cup?" He yelled.

"Yes asshat, I need it for all those varsity sports I'm constantly playing, you know?" Lee replied cunningly.

Elle and I laughed. Noah noticed.

"Hey Shelly, Hey y/bn" God, he knows we hate being called that.

"Noah." We remarked back, knowing he hates being called by his name.

"When did you guys get the boobs?"

"Ass." I spoke to him, flipping him off. Elle covered her chest.

"When you were at football camp learning to be a better douche. It's almost as if they were on human growth hormones or something." Lee said to his brother as they both laughed.

"Lee! Rule number 2, Please!" Elle yelled.

"Whatever, listen. M & D are out of town Friday night, so party starts at 8. Don't invite any idiots."

"Does that include you?" Lee queried.

Elle and I laughed as Lee got up to get back into the pool, but Noah beat him to it as he threw a football at Lee's back, causing him to fall forwards into the pool.

I giggled as Lee emerged from the pool, mesmerised by the water - covered tone physique he had gained over summer. Elle hit me on the arm, breaking me out of my trance.

I shrugged at her as he sat down next to me again, and fake screamed when Lee shook his wet hair everywhere. He stopped, looking at Elle "Hey, Hey! Rule number nine young lady."

I turned my head to see that Elle was staring at Noah's ass.

"Oh come on! As if!" She replied unconvincingly. I laughed at her.

"You got some drool right there" I told her. "Don't take his side!"

"Sorry" I shrugged with a smirk.

"Tag!" I look up to see Elle tagging me on the arm. I went to tag her back but she moved too quickly, so I went after Lee. Once I finally caught up to him I tripped, causing us both to fall in to the water. We both swim to the top laughing hysterically. As I try to get out he grabs my waist, not letting me out of the pool.

"Let go" I tell him

"Never" He returns.

By now your step-sister had noticed Lee's hands on your waist.

"Lee!! Rule number nine!!" She practically screams at him.

Right. Rule number nine. Relatives of your best friend are off-limits. The only thing stopping me from expressing my true feelings towards Lee.

"It's just touching, it's not like we were doing anything" he remarks back. I smirk at him.

"That's not fair!" Elle says back.

"Fine, I'll let go"

"Thanks Elle" I tell her in a bittersweet moment.

"You're welcome y/n"

"Alright, what do you say we head off?" Elle asks me.

"Sure, I've got to get ready for tomorrow."

"I'll drive you guys" Lee pipes in. 

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