Fuck. Fucking fuck!
This can't be happening.
No, please. Please.
I'm pretty sure my face shows the expression of 'help-I-lost-my-kid!'- well no, more than that. My body is shaking from there to there, from head to toe. I don't even know where my soul is going, it's all nothing but bones and meat.
My fingers keep sweeping off every stuffs I have in my plum-green backpack.
Every. Single. Stuff.
I found none of those stuffs I've been searching for the last thirty minutes. I can feel no more blood in me. I just want to rip my clothes, my nails, also my hair off. This is really crazy and absurd. What's left in my backpack are two plain t - shirts that I am sure will make me look like shit, a pair and a half of my underwear, cheap-ass Aeropostale sweatshort, my five hundred gigabyte Seagate harddisk, my headset, and two cups of Reese's Peanut Butter.
I have lost a half pair of my underwear, eight cups of Reese's Peanut Butter, a fucking cellphone (with the charger), and a fucking wallet.
Just to shorten the list, some asshole decided to steal my fucking bra- that's not even expensive because I bought it in a garage sale last year (yes, well, my boobs haven't grow very bigger ever since), eight cups of my favorite sweets ever- which I think is pretty fucked up because why the fuck would you steal candies when there's a five hundred gigabyte harddisk on the list?, my cellphone, my charger, and my fucking wallet.
You know, the list above is not even short.
So to shorten the 'short list' up there, I have been robbed.
By a motherfucking undeserving Manhattan fucktard. Who stole candies too.
I try to think where have I might been robbed at,
When the Js left, I walked out of the station and just walked. And then I saw a hot dog stand, I was hungry and I needed to spare the big money I had to take the subway. So I took out $50 from my wallet and then put the wallet back to my backpack. I'm not sure if I had zipped it yet, but it didn't matter because I clearly remember I carried it again.
I decided to sit on a bench near the hotdog stand to eat, but then I needed some more sauce on my hotdog and walked to the stand. And-
Oh my God.
I walked to the stand without carrying my backpack.
And did I mention that I wasn't sure if I had zipped it yet?
* * * *
Hahahahahhaha hello you just wasted your minutes reading this and you're not gonna get them back.
Anyway, yes- I was thinking of Dakota Fanning to be the cast of Blake but then as I was surfing the internet on a cloudy night (oh here we go) - no seriously, I was on YouTube the other night to listen to a Blood Orange song and Sky Ferreira was on the thumbnail and BOOM I was like "Blake is that you."
She has more of the Blake's character than Dakota Fanning does so yupppp. Sky Ferreira has a really really unique beauty and I'm in love with her.
Oh, and as shown on the story's category, this is a short story that's gonna end real soon before you know it so if you're an impatient bitch who keeps questioning what's gonna happen to a character in a story I guess you can count on this.
(heart icon 26x)
ps. shieetttt this a/n is even nearly as long as the story
22 Hours of Happiness
Short Storywhen they have at least- a lifetime to feel eternally happy, i have less than a day. {a hundred and twenty one tons of cursing and cheesy jokes and dramatic fucks- ugh, s...