And the Dead Kept It

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Here it is! Ok, so I had to update on March 25th. Well in my time it is March 25th, it maybe not be in your time but.....on March 25th was the day that Sauron was defeated. I know! So cool! So, yes I just had to update, and dedicate this chapter to the day of victory for Middle Earth! I hope you enjoy this chapter! PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3

Aragorn, Legolas, Tauriel and Gimli rode on the road to the Dimholt. The sharp grey rocks surround them on a narrow path, Tauriel looked around breathing slowly and carefully. She didn't want to wake the dead. Tauriel looked over to Legolas who stayed quiet and Gimli who was unease. "What kind of an army would linger in such a place?" Legolas didn't looked back at Gimli, but answered his question. "One that is cursed. Long ago, the Men of the Mountain swore an oath to the last King of Gondor, to come to his aid, to fight. But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled, vanishing into the darkness of the mountain." As Legolas was about to continue Tauriel cut him off saying, "And so Isildur cursed them, never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge." Legolas smiled, he remembered telling Tauriel that story many years ago. Tauriel would always asked about the stories Legolas's father told him about the world beyond their doorstep. The four got off their horses and walked, Legolas looked around and whispered a part of the story he did not share. To Tauriel's mind it was more of a riddle. "Who shall call them from the great twilight? The forgotten people. The heir of him to whom the oath they swore. From the north shall he come. Need shall drive him. He shall pass"the door to the Paths of the Dead."

As they reached the end of the path, a small opening was crafted out of rock lay before them. Primitive paintings were above it. The wind blew through Tauriel's face as she laid her eyes on the words. Gimli sighed, "The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away." Legolas walked up to the door, "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the Dead keep it. The way is shut." The horses were nervous, they didn't stay still as they made huffing sounds. Tauriel stroked her horse and comforted it. They slowly approached the opening when Tauriel stopped and whispered, "stay where you are. We are not welcome." A sound slowly came out of the opening the horses went insane as a blast of air came out of the tunnel. Aragorn, Tauriel and Legolas lost hold of the reins, as the horses galloped off.

Aragorn shouted, "Brego!" Aragorn turned and looked back at the tunnel in the mountain. He sneered, "I do not fear death." He walked quickly and firmly into the darkness behind the opening. Legolas hesitates as he glanced at Tauriel who nodded. Tauriel followed Aragon, shortly Legolas followed. Gimli stuttered in disbelief, "Well, this is a thing unheard-of. An Elf will go underground where a Dwarf dare not! Oh! Oh, I'd never hear the end of it!"

Gimli stamped his feet a few times, finally he found his courage and follows his companions. Aragorn, Tauriel Legolas and Gimli rushed through the mountain. It was so quiet, they could hear their footsteps being placed on the sandy surface. "What is it? What do you see?" Gimli jerked his head around. Legolas breathed, "I see shapes of men. And of horses." Gimli's eyes widen, "Where?" Tauriel squinted her eyes to view the dead. "Pale banners like shreds of cloud. Spears rise like winter-thickets through a shroud of mist. The Dead are following. They have been summoned." Tauriel ran in front of Aragon as he followed. Gimli hesitated, "The Dead? Summoned? I knew that. Very good. Very good! Tauriel!" Mists surround them as they walked. Gimli tried to blow away the mists. Aragon looked down and muttered, "Do not look down." Tauriel heard cracks as Gimli looked down, to see the skulls of the Dead. They walked into a giant hall and saw a green figure appear.

Tauriel gazed around the abandoned fortress, she stopped and heard a voice. "Who enters my domain?" They all turned around to see the king of the dead. Aragorn breathed, "One who will have your allegiance." King of the Dead walked forward, "The Dead do not suffer the living to pass." Legolas turned to Aragon who answered bravely, "You will suffer me." Tauriel's heart beat quickened, she never walked among the dead. The King of the Dead laughed as the Dead appear surrounding Legolas, Tauriel, Aragorn, and Gimli. Tauriel placed her fingers on her side to feel the feathers of her arrows in her quiver. "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the Dead keep it. The way is shut. Now you must die." Tauriel turned and saw Legolas released an arrow. It went through the one aimed, it went through as if he was thin air.

Aragorn voiced out, "I summon you to fulfill your oath." King of the Dead ran to Aragon with his sword, "None but the King of Gondor may command me!" Aragorn lifted Andúril and breathed as the King of the Dead attacked him with a sword. Aragorn parries and then grabbed the King by his throat. "That line was broken!" "It has been remade." Aragon released the King, and addressed The Dead surrounding him. "Fight for us, and regain your honor." He walked through the crowd of ghosts, questioning them, "What say you?" The Dead shuffle about and looked uncertain. "What say you?" Gimli carefully shook his head, "You waste your time, Aragorn! They had no honor in life, they have none now in death." Aragorn breathed, "I am Isildur's heir. Fight for me, and I will hold your oaths fulfilled!" The Dead watched Aragorn, unable to decide. He commanded, "What say you?! You have my word! Fight, and I will release you from this living death!" Tauriel viewed around to see the Dead begin to disappear, "What say you?!" They were gone Gimli tighten his grip on his axe, "Stand, you traitors!" The mists began to blow away and the ground started to shake. The whole place began to burst out with skulls everywhere.

"Out!" Aragon yelled as they tried to get out as fast as they can, but the skulls fell on them unmercifully. Aragorn looked back quickly, "Legolas! Tauriel! Run!" They finally got out when they ran out of a small opening in the cave. Aragorn's face sadden as he saw the black ships of the Corsairs on the river. He fell to his knees. Legolas placed his hand on Aragon's shoulder as a noise came from the cave. Aragorn turned around to see the King of the Dead. Tauriel grabbed her daggers, but Aragon placed her hand down and stepped forward. The king came face to face with Isildur's heir, "We fight."

In Minas Tirith, Orcs with siege towers got even closer to the city. Denethor reached the walls. His eyes grew wide as he looks upon the massive army that stands at his gates. His mind shattered and he became insane. "Rohan has deserted us." The army came closer destroying parts of the city. "Théoden's betrayed me." Denethor looked upon the soldiers screaming, "Abandon your posts! Flee! Flee for your lives!" The Gondorian soldiers looked about uncertainly and in fear. Gandalf came up from behind and crunched his face as he whacked Denethor in the forehead with his staff, then in the stomach, and the steward fell down in shock. "Prepare for battle!"

The Corsair ships passed where Aragorn, Legolas, and Tauriel Gimli stood. " You may go no further. You will not enter Gondor." Aragon commanded as the Corsair men laughed at him. The Captain came out demanding, "Who are you to deny us passage?" Tauriel looked at Aragon as he sighed, "Legolas, fire a warning shot past the bosun's ear." Gimli frowned, "Mind your aim." Gimli trapped Legolas's bow as he fired. The arrow hit the man next to the captain. Tauriel looked down at Gimli and smacked him on the shoulder whispering, "Gimli!" Gimli covered his mouth as Legolas looked at him. Gimli sighed, "That's it. Right. We warned you. Prepare to be boarded." "Boarded? By you and whose army?" Tauriel smiled as Aragon whispered, "This army." The King of the Dead and his army appear out of the stone running towards the ships.

As the gates of Mina's Tirth fell the Gondorian soldiers fear swelled. "You are soldiers of Gondor. No matter what comes through that gate, you will stand your ground." Gandalf commanded as the doors bursted wide open, and several Trolls in battle armor came rushing in. "Volley! Fire!" Archers shot the Trolls. Gandalf and Pippin rode to the top of the city, but Shadowfax stopped suddenly. The Witch-King on his fell beast land before them. Gandalf held up his staff, "Go back to the abyss! Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your master!" Witch-King did not flee, "Do you not know death when you see it, old man? This is my hour." He drew out his sword as it turned to flame and shattered Gandalf's staff, throwing both Gandalf and Pippin to the ground. Pippin screamed, "Gandalf!" Witch-King muttered, "You have failed. The world of Men will fall." Then horns were heard in the distance. Gandalf looked up as the Witch-King flew away towards the sound. Outside the city, the ranks of the Rohirrim crest the hill outside the Pelennor Fields. Rohan had come.

Tauriel sat at the edge of ship looking out to the river. "May I join you." She looked up to see Legolas, she nodded. "You still remembered the stories I told you?" Tauriel faced him and smiled. She'd always remembered she would never forget. "When the young girl saved her city. She took her fathers sword and killed the beast. His death took her life, she knew she would die, yet she wasn't fearful." Tauriel smiled, "that was my favorite." Legolas looked down and muttered the last words the girl said in the story, "Thus have I walked." Then he looked up at Tauriel who finished, "And thus now will I sleep."

There it is! I have to say, one of my favorite endings. So..I hope you have or had a great March 25th! I will definitely celebrate the day of Sauron's defeat. Hopefully I will be updating one more chapter before the break comes to a close:(
But....I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3xx forever1912

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