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João Bolive, Max Sergay and Maria Housy were the Brazilian astronauts handpicked for one more step for mankind, they would be the first humans to populate the planet HG-2045 that was being observed for a long time as a potential home for mankind.

John looked at a picture of his daughter with a slight look of longing, Mary lowered the picture of the girl with her hand and looked at John.

-Let's get ready, we are about to arrive on planet HG-2045, and we need to be at our best for this feat -Mary said with a big smile on her face, John reciprocated and Max let out an angry snort from his seat at the control panel.

-Stop flirting, we're on a mission for God's sake! - Mary rolled her eyes at what her companion was saying and sat down in her chair, buckled her seat belt, and John imitated her and sat down.

The central control began to speak, making them anxious. "Attention, preparing for landing, in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3..." there was a great turbulence making the whole ship shake, the three Brazilians were apprehensive and Max started to press the buttons trying to find the error, the ship landed making a great noise making the three release the air they didn't even know they were holding.

-Are we there? - Maria asked seeing Max open a camera screen outside showing the hot plain of that planet, Max roared with happiness and turned on the radio.

-Attention, Max Sergay to Earth, we report that the landing has been..... successfully made! - the excitement of the people on board was no greater on Earth as they watched the landing with great excitement, and shouting with excitement, when the three astronauts quickly put on their space suits and put their hands together.

-Now, if something happens out there, none of us can escape alone, unless you are the only one alive -John made a joke that made everyone let out a laugh.

"Are you ready?" The central control called over the radio, and everyone nodded to themselves and Max confirmed already exiting the ship taking his first step.

-One step for man, one big step for mankind -John said from behind Mary who took her step right after Max.

-My goodness! It's so beautiful here! - Mary said turning to John who hugged her.

-Stop flirting! We're on a mission! - Max turned to them and tripped falling on his face and breaking his helmet, Mary and John turned to him and ran towards him already carrying him inside hurriedly.

-Wait, I'm not dying, it's breathable - Max said sniffing the air from the planet. John let go of his colleague along with Mary.

-Are you kidding? - John turned to Mary only to see her remove her helmet and take a deep breath immediately afterwards.

-In addition to breathing, it smells nice, without pollution, without smoke," Maria said smiling.

John removed his helmet and sniffed the air, feeling the fresh air, even though there were no trees, or plants in sight, it felt like they were on vacation earth.

"Are you guys okay?" The central control asked in a half nervous voice, Max picked up his helmet and put it on triggering the microphone.

-We have some news about the planet, it seems that it is breathable - Max got up from the ground deactivating the microphone and started to walk, but stopped when he saw wheel tracks on the ground - Guys?

Mary and John ran up to Max and looked at the ground getting wide-eyed.

-Have they sent any robots to this planet yet? - Maria asked apprehensively. Max denied it and activated the microphone, stepping back still seeing the marks on the floor.

-Central control? We need to retreat immediately, it's a code 434, team, let's go - Max took a picture of the ground and ran inside the ship with his two colleagues.

"Code 434? Are you sure?" Central control asked only for Max to close the ship's door.

-Yes, unless you had already sent some robot to this planet that I don't know about -Maria took a robot that was together with them to release on the planet.

-Before we go, we should leave the robot," Maria said and John agreed, Max sighed and looked at the ground.

-Max received a confirmation and Mary opened the door of the ship lowering the robot with John's help. Mary pressed the buttons that turned on the SD-1220 automatically, the robot walked forward and John noticed its wheels on the ground.

-Max! We found our alien! - John bent down to look at the tracks a little better. Max got off the ship and walked over to them, he saw the wheel tracks that looked like the ones they had seen, he began to wonder, how did those tracks get there?

-Central Control, we are going to postpone going home, we need to research something - Max turned off the microphone and heard a confirmation from Central Control.

-What are we going to do now? - Mary said crossing her arms waiting for an answer.

-Let's explore the place, we will split up, John will go east, Mary will go south, I will go west, and SD-1220 will go north automatically, if you find anything, contact me without thinking twice.

Max had been walking west for a long time, and decided it was best to get back to the ship, he turned around and started walking back.

-Max? - Maria shouted at him, and the commander looked at Maria, who approached with a puzzled face.

-No, I said I was going west, and you were going south! - Maria stopped in front of him, tired.

-I'm the commander, you have to listen to me, otherwise how are we going to finish this mission successfully? - Maria looked very disappointed, and so did Max.

-No, I'm the mission commander - Maria shook her head.

-Okay 'commander', let's go back to the ship now -Maria started walking to the opposite side of the ship.

-The ship is that way - Max said without moving, already finding Maria's attitude strange.

"Max? I found John, and he's acting strange..." Maria said from the other side, and Max's arm shivered.

-Maria, don't do anything, just get away from him, he is not John, I am with someone who says he is you too, tell him to go back to the ship and tell him you are going to continue exploring and come back, that is an order - Max whispered and looked at the fake Mary who was walking.

-Come on, let's go back,-the fake Maria said, Max sighed in fear.

-I'm going to stay a little longer, to explore, I'm already going back to the ship, go without me - Max said, Maria shrugged and started walking back without saying anything, Max sighed and started walking to his real ship, when he arrived he saw John with another Max who was looking around, and Maria who had just arrived and looked at the two Max. Mary was able to identify the real Max as soon as she saw the real Max arrive along with her.

-John! Get away from that fake Max! - John looked at the Max next to him and walked away quickly. The fake Max was in doubt about what was going on, and why his colleagues acted this way with him, first John started acting strange, then he said that the ship doesn't stay the way it was before, and then he is not the real Max.

-Who are you? - Max1 asked standing next to Mary and John.

-I am Max! Who are you? Get away from my ship! - Max2 shouted as he approached the ship.

-Your ship is that way! - Max1 said showing the place where Maria 2 had gone, Max2 just ran away in fear as he stumbled, the original crew entered the ship and activated the central control -Max Sergay to central control, we are ready to go

-This is crazy, who was that guy?! He looked like you Max! - John shouted and Mary agreed pressing a few buttons that made the ship ready to depart.

"Confirmation, ship ready to go" the central control stated and Max pressed the button that made the ship leave the planet, going through a great turbulence, that was the end, and they returned to earth.

The fakes, on the other hand, met and also returned to their Earth when they heard Max2's statement.

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