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"Seungmin's not home" the younger said as he leaned against the door panicking. "Seungmin I saw you open the door" The elder said. "That's not Seungmin" The brunette replied. Seungmin heard the male let out a sigh and it went silent. He thought Jisung had left, "baby please open the door..."

Seungmin's body shut down. His eyes went wide and his heart started racing. His cheeks were slowly heating up. That nickname always managed to make him weak in the knees. His heart would race and he would think about how he would run a million miles just to hear it again. Just to hear Jisung call him 'baby'.

He slowly turned the handle of the door and peaked outside. Jisung stood there in a back hoodie and sweats. He looked at the younger's face peaking through the door and he smiled. "Hi baby" Seungmin took a deep breath in and opened the door fully. "There you are pretty" Jisung said. "Why are you here?" Seungmin asked. "Can I come in first?" Seungmin stared at the elder searching for god knows what. He stepped aside letting the elder in feeling embarrassed once he remembered what he and his living room looked like.

Jisung didn't care. He felt bad that he made the younger feel this way, all because he couldn't stay a while longer and listen to what he had to say. He sat down on the couch and waited till Seungmin sat down. Once the younger got himself settled he took a deep breath. "Seungmin, first, let me say I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that I didn't listen, I'm so sorry I didn't let you speak. I just let my emotions take over and I didn't think straight. I didn't think about how this would affect you and most importantly I didn't think about how you would feel. I regret it so much and I know I can't take back what I did. I'm really sorry baby" Seungmin was taken aback. He was expecting Jisung to go off on him about how angry he was. He didn't know what to do. He didn't realize it but a few tears made their way down his cheeks. He hugged jisung.

"Please don't be sorry you didn't do anything. This is all my fault, I should've explained everything the moment we started talking. I'm such an idiot." Jisung quicky shut the younger up as soon as he said that. "Look at me, you are NOT an idiot. Don't break yourself apart because of something you can't control. Jeong-In and Chan explained everything to me and I now know that what is happening to you isn't something you can control even if you wanted to. Dont apologize cause you did nothing wrong. Okay pretty?" Seungmin sniffled then buried his face in the crook of Jisung's neck. Jisung giggled and picked the younger up to straddle him. Seungmin made himself comfortable in the elders lap. He felt all his worries and anxiety slowly fade away.

Jisung's arms snaked around Seungmin's waist. He felt Seungmin relax against him and he smiled. "You okay now, love?" "What's with all the nicknames all of a sudden" Seungmin asked as he giggled. Jisung just smiled, "my mom always told me the best way to show someone you care was nicknames, so I like to use them on the people that mean the most to me." Seungmin smiled. "I have one more question" Seungmin said sitting up as he straddled Jisung. Jisung lifted his hands and moved a few strands of stray hair behind Seungmin's ear, "What is it, angel?" "Does this mean you still wanna go on that date with me?" He asked. Jisung laughed, "of course. I would never miss a chance to go on a date with Kim Seungmin." He said.

He watched as Seungmin's eyes lit up at his answer. The younger went back to hugging Jisung.

"Thank you for understanding, nobody ever really tries to understand what I have"

"Those people are exactly what you said they are, nobodies. Now you have me, and I'll be here until you find a way to love me back."

"I can't feel it but I really do love you Jisung"

"I love you too sky"

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