analyzations/opinions n dumps and shit <3 its so random bro (2021)

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- killuas ability to voluntarily dislocate his limbs (like he did to escape pakunoda) to slip away easily so underrates

- pouf was born to serve the king, just as all 3 royal guards were. as his character develops, we see him become more and more emotional, as well as more and more overcome by greed. This represents a switch from the characteristics of that of an ant to that of a human. (See point below)

- Chimera Ants (specifically Royal Guards) are meant to show loyalty, reliance, obedience, selflessness, and lack of true opinions and emotions, hatred for humanity, etc. Humanity and human characteristics, which many chimera ants unintentionally begin to acquire, and the royal guards clearly show increasingly overtime, includes greed, emotions, opinions, selfishness, personalities, desires, disobedience, etc.


-the royal guards' developed human traits/weaknesses (summary): pitou- 's need to heal/desperation. pouf's greed/emotion. youpi's rage/anger. (this was very condensed)

-the way that netero insists upon and continues to forcefully fight even king after several attempts that meruem takes to surrender, sit and talk, shows so much about humanity, not just in hxh, but in real life.

-Gon soul-reading Pitou and Pouf EVEN while in the hyper-focused and stressful situation he was in, is an insanely impressive feat than just his physical strength, and proves his true intelligence, intuition, and his extraordinary focus at its fullest extent. He's so dialed in that he can pick minute and intricate cues off his opponent and guess their intentions almost instinctively. So impressive.


- "Breakdown X And X Awakening" is the absolute most gut wrenchingly emotional thing to watch killua go through. The sub voice acting is top tier, his voice actress has so much talent: the emotion in his voice, the realness, his vulnerability, the strain in it, the desperation and tiredness, the pain in it, and the way he just spills all this emotion out after bottling it for so long. its literally a masterpiece. Even the imagery of him falling to the ground sobbing, tears streaming down his face. Seeing Killua like this is heartbreaking, i sob every time i watch it (which is very often) That cry in sub bro, that mf cry. So hyperfixated on it and have been for a long time.This episode should be illegal. So sad.

-Gons rage, just like killuas breakdown, literally gives me chills. To see Gon, out of all people, in that amount of uncontrollable anger and overwhelming emotion thats depicted so accurately and beautifully through the art, imagery, animation and expressions. And especially through, once again, the exceptional sub voice acting. Gons japanese voice actress is just amazing. You can hear how tired and strained his screaming is, how desperate and distraught he is, how much anger and intense rage he is filled with. So painful to watch, i ball everytime, without a doubt. Breaks my heart seeing him like that. I could talk and think about it for days and days. Insane.

- cheetus dub voice fits him PERFECTLY, and matches his japanese voice so well. cedric williams literally did a perfect job at matching it with him AND i just absolutely love his voice acting in general. it reminds me of that song "puppy princess." cheetu and his voice are so underrated and HIS LAUGH IS THE BEST THING ON THIS PLANET EARTH PERIOD.

- poufs sub voice isn't bad, but i personally think his dub suits him the best. i also realizes how nasally his voice is and for some reason i absolutely LOVE it. when he screams "sire" i think it was executed so well by the va.

- id be so scared to talk to pouf if he was real. he's legit like 6'4 at least i stg. he's so unstable, u say one wrong thing and he goes full psycho or has a whole breakdown. his several nen abilities are powerful and deadly and his nen/aura alone is traumatizing if activated. despite the slander, he's extremely smart. being an ant, he's automatically programmed to be against humankind, making u an immediate threat. he shows no mercy to anyone who isn't the king. he's greedy and selfish, especially towards the end of his arc. there's so much more. THAT BEING SAID, i absolutely love him and if i met him it would be the best thing ever. if I was a royal guard however, naturally i wouldn't be afraid of him like i would being a human. for example, just seeing him being all skeptical and scary during the part where gon is waiting for pitou in that room, pouf trying to be manipulative standing behind gon, and then to have knuckle, a human, be saying poufs name and trying to talk to him, for some strange reason made me realize how scared i would be in knuckles position, despite knuckles power. pouf ily

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