When you happy how dose you brain feel sad or happy or your dose your brain say fuck emotions. When you run how do your legs feel like just think about how when we run how dose your legs feel. When you think about something dose your brain get annoyed of you thinking like does it get annoyed like do you think about that or is it just me. Ok but when you sleep what dose you body do. Do they through a party or what or do they sing or do they dance or do they have a sleepover. Like think about it.what do they do! What dose your phone do when its turn off. like dose you phone play games because it just my phone or when I don't turn my phone or I don't touch it what dose it do because when I turn it back on it is at 90 when it was just 100 or it was 50 when it was 70 like how I can't. But byeeeeee
whatever comes up my mind
Humorthis is going to be interesting and what comes up my 😔😌