Chapter 3 Liam's POV

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I've just seen her again as I was going past Mia's. Fuck she still looks perfect. Everything inside me wanted to pull the car over but I'm on a time schedule. It's always the fucking case. I never see her when I have time on my hands I'm no longer that little boy that kicked her out. I've matured within myself to a degree. I was a child and I made a lot of mistakes with her especially. My life right now is all over the place my mum is battling cancer and I just need her to make me feel better. That's what she does for me. Always.
Pulling up outside a café I make my way inside and order myself a burger and fries and walk outside and sit down. He better hurry up I hate carrying packages it's hot as fuck for me as I'm known to the police.
I sit back scrolling through my phone and suddenly someone's standing infront of me blocking the sun. What the fuck?
Looking up I instantly smile.
"Oh my god Liam your out" Sian says and I smile at her as she takes a seat.
"I've been out for a while, how you doing?" I ask her and she smiles.
My food arrives and she starts picking at my fries and I shake my head laughing as I grab my burger.
"Works a bitch but I'm good, what about you? I haven't seen you in so long. I've missed you" she says and I grin. How could she have missed me? I'm a fucking criminal and I broke her best friends heart. Repeatedly.
"You know me. I'm always good, you missed me yeah?" I say smirking and she laughs.
"Yes I missed you Liam, so does Stacey" she says and I sigh.
"She doesn't miss me Sian. She's moved on I saw it with my own eyes" I tell her feeling shit but she raises a brow.
"Stacey.. Move on" she says and bursts out laughing.
"Your crazy. She loves you still to this day Liam and I can tell by the way you light up at the mention of her name that you still love her I miss you two together" she says and I know the feeling.
"Liam" I hear and look up to see the guy I'm supposed to be meeting. Fuck!
"Give me one minute Sian" I say and push my fries to her and stand up.
Walking over to the car I jump in and do a quick exchange.
"Next time arrive on time" I tell him and he rolls his eyes at me and I climb out and walk back to Sian with a pocket full of cash. I love my job.
"So where were we" I say and she raises her brow again.
"Still a bad boy then Liam" she says and I laugh shaking my head.
"I'm making money, the only way I can judgy much" I say and she laughs eating away at my food.
"Your still young Liam, you can change your life and get a proper job. There's a party going on tonight that Mia's dragging us all to. You should come" she says and I smile.
"Thanks but I doubt it. I don't wanna fuck Stacey over again even tho I do need her she deserves better than me" I tell her sighing and she drops her shoulders slumping.
"But you two are so good together Liam" she says and I shake my head again.
"No Sian, it's for the best for Stacey's sake trust me" I tell her and she sighs.
"Your both clearly miserable without each other Liam. And like you say you need her" she says and I sigh
"I'll think about it. Happy?" I tell her and she grins perking up again.
"Definitely. I want your number" she says and passes me her phone. I type in my number and save it for her and hand it back to her.
"Thanks, I'll be checking in on you making sure your good. I have to run I've got work. Thank you for the food, it was good to see you. Chin up" she says standing and I stand to and hug her as I see that's wht she's waiting for.
"It was good to see you to Sian. And I did miss you aswell" I tell her as we pull apart and she smiles at me and walks away.
It's so easy with her still like it always has been. I've missed that.
Jumping up I walk into the café and grab a bottle of coke and pay for my food aswell.
Making my way back to my car drinking my drink I climb in and pull off.
Hearing my phone ring I answer it quickly.
"Brother, where you at?" Jason says
"About what's up?" I ask him
"There's a party tonight you wanna come with me?" he asks and I sigh. What is with this party. I really wanna go and see Stacey but I can't do tht to her.
"I can't you know bro, got plans" I tell him and he sighs.
"Dont lie bro, don't be boring" he says and I laugh me boring. HA!
"Far from it, just not in the mood" I tell him and he sighs again.
"Brother I wanna get drunk with you, it will be fun. Atleast come with me if you want to leave then fine" he says and I sigh now.
"I'll think about it" I tell him and I know he's grinning ear to ear.
"OK be home by 7pm and we'll hit it up together" he says and I sigh.
"I said I'll think about it. I'll be home soon" I tell him and he hums.
"Alright, we're going bro be ready" he says and hangs up. Dick.

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