Chapter 4

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Sat in the car with Mia and Sian on the way to this party that I had no choice but to come to. I hope Liam does come because I really want to talk to him. See him infront of me rather than whatever the fucks he's been doing. Checking up on me? Spying? I don't fucking know but I need to talk to him. I miss him and Sian tells me that he needs me. What does that mean? I damn sure know that I need him. Why does he have to be so confusing.
"Right girls we ready to get smashed" Mia says giddy and I sigh. Really..
"I'm taking my time I don't want to get drunk around strangers" I tell her and she boos me.
"It's a party Stacey don't be a bore" she says and I roll my eyes.
"No where gonna take our time like she said. Where not all alcoholics" Sian says and we all laugh. She has a point.
Pulling up at the party we all jump out the Uber and walk towards the house pumping loud music. Walking in we go straight to the kitchen following Mia of course and grab a drink.
"Welcome ladies drink what you want and let's have some fun. I'm Victor by the way" some guy says and he's quite hot.
"Mia, Sian and Stacey" Mia says pointing to us looking him over but he can't take his eyes off of me. Makes a change.
"Nice to meet you all, now let's party. More people will be turning up and there's already a load here" he says and I smile at him. Please come Liam.

Walking into the living room with my drink seeing quite a few people in there I look around the room seeing if I know anyone and come up short. Great.
"Babe that Liam's here" I hear from some random girl and I turn and look at her and see her talking to her friend.
"Oh my god babe I've been wanting him for a while" her friend says and they giggle and I down my drink.
"Let's dance, have some fun" Mia says pulling me over to the middle of the floor and Sian comes across to us swaying her hips.
"Aparently Liam's here" I tell Sian into her ear and she grins.
"Oh my god yes!" she exclaims and I shake my head laughing. I really wanna see him so I hope he is here.
Dancing with the girls and I start to get thirsty so I back away and walk into the kitchen and I'm hit with his smell. Fuck he's actually here. He's been in this room. My hearts beating so quick and I look around but can't see him. I grab a drink and turn and see him dancing with them same two girls. My stomach drops and I don't know what to do now. I see one of the girls go in for the kiss and Liam dodges it backing away shaking his head. That makes me feel better. Fucking bitch. How dare she try kiss my man. Wait noo. I don't fucking know anymore.
"Hello baby girl, you having fun" Victor asks me and I blush
"Yeah babe, good party" I tell him smiling and he hands me a spliff. Thank God.
"Thanks" I say and he leads me into the living room and starts to dance and I notice Liam's left the room. I continue to down drinking my drink and laughing with the girls as Victor dances behind me and I feel eyes burning into me and I just know it's Liam. I down my drink and suddenly I feel a arm wrap around me and pulled close. Liam
I wrapped in his smell and I melt against him he thrusts a bottle at me as I continued to dance with him and I take the bottle swigging from it not wanting this moment to end.
"That bottles for you beautiful" he says in my ear and it's the first time in a long time that I've heard his voice. I could cry I'm so happy.
"Dont say anything just enjoy this moment" he says and we continue to dance I see Sian staring at us grinning like she's over the fucking moon for us and Mia doesn't look to happy.
"Fuck I've missed you, continue dancing and enjoy yourself you deserve it" he says into my ear with a groan and kisses my neck and I let out a whimper. I've missed him more than I thought.
"I love you and I'm sorry please don't turn around just have fun" he says kissing me again then unwrapping his arm from around me and I hate the lost of contact. I continue to dance know longer feeling him behind me and his smell drifting away. I can't help myself I turn around and see nothing. He's gone. Again..
Sian comes up to me and hugs me and I hold her against me as I sigh into her.
"I'm sorry babe" she says and I nod my head pulling away and down some of the bottle.
"Let's go babes" I hear them same girls say looking me over and I smirk at them. He will always be mine. I think.. I hope.
Sian pulls out her phone and starts texting someone and I just drink away with the bottle Liam gave me feeling myself becoming drunk and I see Victor watching me and go sit with him.
"Not mingling. It's your party" I say to him and he shrugs.
"I tried but you didn't seem interested" he says and I smile sad at him.
"It's complicated babe" I tell him and he nods.
"It always is" he says and passes me the spliff and I smoke some taking it down I hold it feeling the burn on my lungs then release it. I'm actually happy I came to the party.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now