Chapter 1

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This story starts off before the blip so it's still 2018

Peter's POV
I was out on my patrol as Spider-Man when I hear screaming coming from an alley near me and I see a robber and a family of 3

"Give me your money!" The robber says

"Ok, I'll give you the money if everybody just stays calm..." the dad says, the robber just nods not noticing I'm watching until the moment arrives to attack

Just as the dad is about to give him the money I leap into action and take the gun away not noticing another and I'm too late, he shoots the parents in the chest and they fall to the floor dead and the little girl screams with tears coming out of her eyes

I take the other gun and knock the robber out long enough for him to be sent to jail

I instantly hug the girl and take my mask off so she could see my face and she clings on like her life depends on it, I had Tony send the cops to my location since I couldn't do it myself because I wanted to be there for the kid

Soon the cops come and I put my mask back on before they could see it and ask to take the little girl but she shakes her head and wanting to stay with me

"Um... is there anyone who can adopt her until you're 18?" One of the cops said

"Uh yeah, I got a friend who has an aunt that could possibly do it" I say

"What's her name so we can contact her?" The cop says

"May Parker, but I can contact her if that's ok with you guys" I say

"Yeah that's fine" and then the cops leave

"Hey what's your name?" I say to the little girl that's still clinging onto me

"S-Sarah..." she says

"I like that name, my name is Peter" I say

Sarah starts to giggle and it makes me smile

"Now how about we talk to my aunt and see if she can adopt you for now?" I say

"Yes please" Sarah says

While Sarah is still clinging onto me, mostly because we're swinging in the air, in no time we make it to my apartment that I live in with my aunt on the weekdays

"Hey May, I brought someone over" I say

Aunt May walks in and immediately gushes over the adorable little girl that's still clinging onto me

"What's your name?" She says

"Sarah" Sarah says

"Awww, what is she doing here Peter" aunt May says

"I was on patrol and there was a robber, I wasn't able to save her parents in time but luckily I got to save her, since I'm not 18 yet I can't adopt her yet" I say

"I'll gladly do it until you're old enough"

"Thank you" both me and Sarah say

It takes some time but eventually May is able to adopt her until I turn 18

Sooo I'm thinking of doing more ships so this is a story that I'll keep doing, hope you like it

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