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four years later...

it had been four years since roger and stella had begun dating. everything had been going perfectly for the pair and the band. once the fans and the press found out about the relationship, no one would shut up about it. many people insulted stella saying she just sleeps around with the band and doesn't want to be apart of it, and even some of rogers 'fan girls' insulted her. but after a while she got used to it, after all the sexist comments would never go away.

mary and freddie had made up. they had a deep conversation about how they felt, and it worked. freddie had moved into a massive house, with mary right across the street from him so that they had windows facing each other. roger and stella had just bought their first home together as well. even though it had took awhile, they wanted to get a house which would be perfect for the two rockstars.

they still hadn't moved in but we're planning on doing it soon. the pair had been invited by freddie to go visit his new home in the streets of kensington, which they gladly accepted. the two couldn't be more than happy for him as he had finally started enjoying everything a lot more, especially since him and mary had solved their little issue.

"what do you think?" he asked as he turned around. freddie now had a moustache, one exactly like paul's. roger and stella still hated the man with a burning passion, brian and john had a strong disliking for the man, but no one could beat roger and stella's hatred.

roger tilted his head to the side, one of his eyebrows raising "gayer?" he said, but almost sounded like a statement. stella rolled her eyes and nudging him in the side with her elbow. he mumbled a quiet 'ow!' rubbing his side.

"not this, darling! the house," freddie exclaimed. "isn't it amazing?" he was over the moon about everything recently. it had been going so well for him, except the few people from the press who wouldn't stop prying into freddie's business.

"it's beautiful freddie!" stella gushed happily for the rockstar.

"thank you stella! mary's already moved in next door, so she can visit the cats and me!" he explained. roger and stella slowly walked out of the hallway and into the main area of the house. "each cat will have their own room!" as he said this, stella noticed one of freddie's cats in the room next to them so she ran over to her, crouching down and petting her. "delilah's by the kitchen, miko next door. tiffany, oscar, romeo, all upstairs. lilly's room is even larger than this one! spoilt thing!" freddie had a massive love for cats (delilah being his favourite cat).

"well, i'm not sure the echo is quite pronounced enough," roger answered, looking around at the large room they currently stood in.

"eh-oh!" freddie belted out. stella turned quickly shocked by the loud noise but shook her head laughing at the two boys. "what are you laughing at!" freddie called out to her. she yelled back a quick 'nothing!' before turning back to delilah. the two smiled at her, facing back to each other now. "oh, i knew you'd appreciate it. stay for dinner. anything you fancy!" he offered.

𝐃𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, roger taylor Where stories live. Discover now