Chapter 1: The First Kill

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(Narrator POV)
Madison is running through the forest, whistling coming from behind her. As she stops for a breath, a knife pierces the black walnut tree beside her, she screams for mercy. A masked figure creeps menacingly towards her, twirling her knife between her fingers. The masked figure launches another knife impaling Madison's arm against a tree, making her unable to move. She lets out an agonising scream, as the blade tears through her arm, she can feel the blood gushing from her arm. The masked figure slowly approaches, leaves crackling underneath the killer's boots, she leans in and whispers in Madison's ear "it's a shame you had to leave me." Madison swings at her assailant with all her remaining strength, she falls to the ground after snatching the mask off her face. As she looked up slowly she saw a face she never thought she would see again, it was her former lover. "J-Jane, why?" Madison said with tears filling her eyes, Jane just looked back at Madison with an evil grin on her face,"Please don't do this" Madison said. Jane kicked Madison in the head, next thing Madison knew was she was laying on the ground in extreme pain and she felt something on top of her, it was like someone was sitting on her chest. "What the he.. Help!!" Madison had just realized what was going on; she was being buried alive. She tried yelling but no one was answering. The next thing she heard shocked Madison in ways she never thought words could, they sounded so bitter, every word has a little more hate in it then the last. "You dug your own grave."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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