Chapter Thirteen "Misunderstanding"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{8:00 a.m.}

"Well,maybe your just being a coward!" Tbh yelled in anger. "Am not!" Meme shouted as he pushed Tbh gently. Tbh glared at him in anger,didn't noticed Joocie was trying to pull them apart. "Every time we go outside,there always something goes wrong!" Meme said. "We can't lose another friend again!"

Tbh paused,hearing what Meme just said. "But staying in the mansion isn't a good idea too..." he mumbled. "Why not?!" Meme hissed. "Cause hiding isn't gonna solve anything" Tbh shot back. "And going outside is the best option?" Meme asked with sarcasm in his tone.

Tbh was about to argue back when Joocie interrupted. "That's it! Both of you stop this fighting right now!" he shouted out loud. Tbh and Meme immediately stayed quiet. "This fight isn't helping us,in fact it is breaking both of your friendship!" Joocie said in anger.

The atmosphere suddenly became even more quieter,making the two of them stood there awkwardly. "You both either talk this out properly without fighting or you both go your own ways!" Joocie said as he walked away from them.

Meme and Tbh watched Joocie walked towards the kitchen and looked at each other. "Why are you so attempting to go outside?" Meme asked slowly,breaking the silent. Before Tbh could answered,an explosion sound rang through their ears as everything went black for both of them.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{11:00 a.m.}

"Meme! Meme! Wake up!" Tbh shouted towards the doctor that was lying on the floor. Tbh didn't really wanna wake him up at first but Meme is his friend after all and the first person he could find after the explosion. "Ughhh! Why is he such a heavy sleeper! And this headache is not helping at all!" Tbh complained in his head.

"FatMemeGod! WAKE UP!" Tbh shouted even louder which make the doctor groaned. "Five more minutes..." he mumbled which made Tbh wanna slap him in the face. "Meme! This is serious so you better wake up right now!" Tbh yelled which finally made Meme opened his eyes.

"Why is everything so bright..." Meme groaned as he blocked his eyes from the bright light. Tbh didn't said anything and just waited for Meme to adjust the light source for his eyes first.

After Meme finished,he looked around shock about the scene they were at right now. "What the- Tbh,what the hell happened here-?" Meme asked with shock.

"You don't remember? Whatever happened required explosions sound cause that's what I heard last before I wake up here" Tbh answered. Meme slowly nodded,processing the words.

"Wait- does that mean we don't have a place to stay anymore?" Meme asked out loud in fear. "I guess... your right at that point..." Tbh said slowly. 

"Oh no! Oh no! We're gonna die outside!" Meme mumbled in fear but Tbh can heard it clearly. After a while,Tbh can't handle Meme's mumbling anymore and stopped him.

"Ok ok! Mumbling words isn't gonna help us or you so let maybe heal the wounds we have right now first before we get infection." Tbh said. Meme slowly nodded,decided to listen to Tbh first.


Luckily,Meme is a doctor so they used the materials they could found near their surroundings and patch up the wounds.

"So... where are we going right now?" Meme asked. Tbh looked around the broken furnitures and other stuffs. "Maybe we should leave this place first and find a cave or something"he said,looking at Meme.

Meme nodded in response. "Remember to stay behind me so we won't get separated" Tbh said as he started walking. Meme was about to follow him when he saw a familiar item on the floor.

He picked up the item and saw it was Tbh's bag. "Meme! Hurry up!" Tbh suddenly shouted. In a hurry, Meme quickly ran towards Tbh with the bag he just picked up.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{12:00 p.m.}

After an hour, they found a small cave that could fit three people. "I think it's afternoon right now since the sun is now really high up" Tbh said as he looked at Meme. "Are you hungry right now?"

"Ya. I'm kinda hungry..." Meme mumbled. "Ok... do you wanna come with me to find food?" Tbh asked. Meme shook his head "No thanks... I'm still tired,just don't die or anything" he joked.

Tbh chuckled nervously before saying a 'goodbye' to Meme and walked away from the cave. Meme turned his head towards the bag he found early and picked it up.


"Hey! Meme! I found some apples! I already ate some so these are all yours" Tbh exclaimed happily as he placed the apples in front of Meme.

"Thanks..." Meme mumbled quietly. Tbh looked at Meme and saw he had a really angry face on. "A-Are you okay,Meme...?" he asked.

"Tbh..." Meme suddenly spoke. "What is this that I found in your bag?" he asked with sarcasm as he hold up a item which made Tbh gasped.

It was the syringe that he found in Socks's bag yesterday.

"Meme..! Before you made a conclusion, let me explain first!" Tbh quickly said. "What other things you had to explain?!"Meme shouted in anger,making Tbh flinched.

"Your the one who poisoned Laff with this thing!" Meme shouted as he mentioned the syringe. "And I bet that these apples were poisoned by you too by now!" he yelled.

"Meme- just listen to me!" Tbh shouted helpless. "This was all of your plan,isn't it?!" Meme shouted,tears running down his cheeks. "And I thought your my friend!"

"M-Meme..." Tbh mumbled,never heard his friend this angry before. Before Tbh could said more things,Meme had already ran off away from the cave.

"What have I done..." Tbh thought as tears run down his cheeks.

Chapter Thirteen 🥶!!

Summary: After the fight between Meme and Tbh, the crab found the doctor after the explosion. While Tbh went out to find food, Meme found something unexpected in Tbh's bag.

This chapter was a little rush but-
Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1029

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