New Perfections

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Twirling. Spinning. Humming a sweet little tune. She danced around, and around, and around the room. Her pale dress rustled, adding structure to her melody. Hair hanging in ringlets, it bounced around her shoulders. Her hands were aloft, each holding a once shiny blade.

Her bare feet that once glided gracefully across the marble floor now slip and slide as her movements become more chaotic. She smiles as pale blue stains to red. Laughing softly, she darts her tongue out and tastes the coppery sweetness that lines her chapped lips.

Small red pockets adorn her face where the imperfections once laid. Her mother had always told her they were signs of beauty, but she had been the only one. All of her classmates hadn't been so kind. They had laughed and jeered and pointed. "Look at the freak" they would cheer! Well no more. Now she was beautiful like the rest of them.

Her twirling, sliding feet came to a rest as she stopped in front of the full length mirror. She gazed at her new beautiful self. Where imperfections had been, now was only the gorgeous colour. Where 'beauty marks' were, now there was only carved holes. Where 'flab' had been, there was only slenderness.

The wonderfully sharp tools had done their work. Now she was just like all of the blessed human beings. The ones that came with smooth skin, silken hair, and soft, thin bodies.

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