Chapter 46

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Taehyung made his way inside Jimin's apartment as opened the door for him. Welcoming him with a stern gaze and no words left him to understand that his brother was in a deadly mood and he better get right on the subject instead of making any unnecessary silly comments.

"It was not my fault. I want you to really grasp this sentence before I go on, okay? Really." He uttered as soon as he reached the living room and heard Jimin's footsteps approaching behind him, once turning around meeting his eyes that were shooting fire.

"That's for me to decide. Speak! Who the heck did you sign that check to?" He demanded and Taehyung looked around the room,  finding it a bit difficult to tell him that it was his ex-girlfriend for he surely knew he was not gonna like that.

"Does it really matter who? I mean I just wrote the sum and left the name for her to fill..."He admitted finding his own self at wrong at that action for he had totally made it easier for his money to be sent to anyone yet when he had signed that check, he had not thought of it that far.

"You either cooperate or I am gonna find out myself and I will skin them alive along with you," Jimin uttered his words in a rather calm tone yet it managed to send shivers down Taehyung's spine for he looked way too serious and he totally had him capable to make his words a reality. Everyone knew after all that when it came to business, Jimin was not someone to play with.

"Song Nari, it was your ex-girlfriend. She asked for money and I gave her more than she asked. I felt guilty towards her so...She said she was in a tight spot. How was I supposed to know that she was lying?" He tried to defend himself and Jimin couldn't help but approach and smack the back of his head.

"What do you mean how? She literally threatened to take revenge on us both back then. Don't you remember? She threw a whole ass vase on your head." He reasoned with him, reminding him that if he should have been cautious of someone from the past, that should have definitely been her. 

He had never seen someone so angry in his life. She was the second girlfriend he had after Naerin. It had been three months since he and Taehyung were not talking to each other as their relationship had broke when he happened to start seeing Nari as a potential relationship. They were colleagues and as such happened to cross paths often making an interest appear from both sides. An interest that grew to become a relationship that did not last more than two months or so, simply because Taehyung found out and started courting her, pretending like he was madly in love with her till she finally got her to believe him and cheat on Jimin with him.

When he had found out, he was more disappointed than he was hurt for he had seen his brother for the first time, placed his words into action but he was also surprised by the aftermath of that, since he obviously had to break up with her and once she came to realize the fact that basically Taehyung had manipulated her to achieve his goal against Jimin, she threw such a fit.

He clearly remembered how she accused him for not having told her prior so she could have been more cautious of his ill intentions and had literally threw a vase at Taehyung, screaming that he was a despicable jerk that she will definitely avenge one day.

"You do have a point but she didn't pretend to have forgiven me or anything. She just seemed in a tight spot that had made her lower her pride...or so I believed. Maybe it wasn't her that did it." Taehyung argued as he had gave a look on his way there to the pictures of the documents that Jimin had sent him, in order to inform him of what was he furious over.

"I don't care if she did it! That matters less right now. The problem is that the check is not false and ultimately you did pay 500,000 to a brothel house!" He layed down the facts as he proceeded to leave a heavy exhale escape his lips and his hand to reach at his forehead where he rubbed his temple slightly.

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