Chapter One

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   The melody of the small wind-up music box had finally stopped. It's tune had kept him asleep the entire trip from the pizzeria, to where he was now. Slowly opening his eyes, the Marionette took a moment before deciding to leave.

After a sigh, he slowly made a reach to open the gift box. Since he had been relocated, Puppet was expecting to be in the same restaurant as Freddy and his gang. To say he was surprised when he saw where he really was, would be an understatement.

His gift box was in the corner of a room, barely smaller than the Prize Corner. There was a small table against the wall that was completely bare, save for a paper document and his music box. No shelves were present, but instead bare walls. The place felt unfinished.

The room Puppet was in also felt quite small, and only had a single window. It also just had one door leading out of the room. Deciding to see where exactly he was, the Marionette left his box and went out the door.

It led into small hallways that could easily be a maze to anyone first arriving. Not long into wandering the still empty halls and the odd room or two, did Puppet suddenly hear something. It sounded like humming. The tune sounded vaguely familiar. It took Puppet a moment or two to recognize it to be from a piece of classical music.

Following the tune, led him to a room larger than the one he'd found himself in. The room had two miniscule stages—more like stands—in opposite corners of the room. The room was also poorly decorated, and between both stands was another small table. It too had but a single paper document and a music box atop it. The music box was playing a melody that was being hummed along with by one of the two in the room.

In the room, two sisters were dancing in various ballet or waltz styles with each other for fun. The older looking one had deep violet hair that pulled back into an intricately beautiful bun. She had pearls braided into parts of it. She also wore a ballet costume to compliment her hair, with matching point shoes. Her skin tone wasn't that of any human skin tone. She was also the one humming beautifully.

Dancing with her, was a pigtailed ginger with bright green eyes. She had a red dress that was almost considered to be frilly. Around her waist was a white ribbon belt that tied into a bow on the back. The second girl had red shoes that came to a point, with little bells attached. She was also as uniquely fair skinned as the older girl, but she was shorter than her.

"Excuse me?" Puppet interrupted, causing the two to freeze. They turned and looked at who had asked, the only sound heard in that moment was of the music box. "Hi there, I didn't mean to startle you." Puppet said to them, right as the music stopped.

The violet-haired one spoke up first. "That's alright. We didn't hear you come in." She said with a smile. Puppet smiled too from where he stood in their doorway.

After a moment of awkward and uncharacteristic silence, the Marionette spoke up again. "My name is Puppet. And yours?" He asked them. "My name is Ballora. And this is my sister," Ballora looked to the ginger-haired girl. "Ell-"

"Circus Baby." The girl quickly said, before Ballora could finish. "It's a pleasure to meet you both." Puppet said gladly.

"I'm wondering, can you tell me where exactly we are?" Baby nodded, before answering, "This is one of two sister locations of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Have you heard of them?" She wondered. "Yes, in fact, I came from one of their locations."

"Cool! Well, here, we have a small handful of party rooms for guests to book parties." Baby continued. "The guests then can choose which one of us they want for a party—oh by the way, there are a couple more of us here." She explained. "I see-"

"Guests can also book us for private parties outside of this establishment. In the meantime, when we aren't used, we hang out in our rooms here in the back of the building." Ballora quickly stopped her sister. "Slow down!" She said to her. Baby's cheeks turned a light shade of red in embarrassment. "Heh, sorry."

"It's fine." Puppet assured her. "We should probably introduce you to the others." Ballora said, as she led Puppet out of the room.

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