Chapter Three

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   It was an hour past midnight. Freddy and Gold were both seated at the end of a dining table, going through any and all paperwork they had found in the small back office of the general manager's. They had been trying for countless months to find some clue to where they had brought the Marionette. The 'toy' crew were also doing the same on their end. Nobody could find anything.

"Why are we still doing this?" Freddy asked, dropping the papers in his hand out of defeat. Gold looked at him, pausing from reading the document in his hand. "We've been at this for months, and still nothing telling us where he is!" The younger bear was ready to throw his hat at the wall out of frustration.

Before he could, Chica grabbed it from behind him and chucked it to the next table over. Then, she sat down with the two. "Let me guess-"

"Still nothin'." Gold answered before she could say anything more. Carl jumped off Chica's shoulder and onto the table. He looked around for anything they might have missed. "It's no use, Carl." Freddy told him. The cupcake stopped, his golden eyes meeting the bear's tired sapphire ones.

Chica put a hand on Freddy's. "You shouldn't give up so soon." Freddy moved his hand so it was now holding hers, as he answered with, "I wouldn't call this soon. With how long it's been, who knows what they've done with him by now."

"Freddy, listen," Gold started. "Have you any idea how many strings Puppet had to pull in order for me and Spring to still be here?" Freddy gave his brother a confusing look, before he shook his head. "Had he not done that for us, we would've been tossed aside years ago."

Freddy's expression softened a bit. "You're right." He started. "We can't lose hope." Gold smiled.

Meanwhile, just a town over, the toy crew were going over even more paperwork. The boss' office was much bigger at their location.

They had been searching the papers for practically hours, while staying situated in the small stairwell found outside the boss' office. That way, they'd be able to quickly get the papers put away if the security guard suspected anything. The group was also taking shifts, since all five of them disappearing off the camera's at once would be suspicious.

"Alright, time to switch." Springtrap announced, as he tapped Bonbell on the shoulder, Fred doing the same with Vixen. "Good luck." Mangle wished, as she changed forms and left the well quickly. Bonbell staggering to keep up.

Before the bright blue bunny knew it, Mangle had vanished somewhere into the shadows. Probably to try and make the guard think he was slowly going insane when he'd start seeing shadows go across the cameras.

Deciding to wander a few laps around the restaurant, Bonbell was left alone with his thoughts. Some minutes into their shift, did Bonbell feel like he was being watched. He looked around and saw nobody.

Thinking it was probably Vixen trying to mess with him, he called out, "Is that you, Vix?" She didn't reply. Well, no crap, Bon! He thought to himself, remembering having seen her go back towards the arcade machines. He, however, was in one of the party rooms.

I'm Here. A voice echoed, although to Bonbell, it sounded like he'd heard it from inside his head. As if it were a thought. "Hello?"

Hello. The thought-like voice replied. Bon's green eyes widened quickly, as his breathing began to increase somewhat. Don't be afraid, I'm nothing to fear. The voice told him.

"W-Who are you?" Bon murmured, not wanting to draw attention. Someone you can trust. The voice answered. It seemed to sense the confusion the bunny was feeling, since it then said, I know how the company mistreats you all.


You see the human guard in the office? Bonbell peered out of the party room and saw the uniformed employee sipping at coffee to stay awake during his job. Bon slowly nodded. Why don't you kill him?

The bunny froze. The world around him began to shrink. He felt as though he wasn't able to breathe. In fact, he hadn't even realized how he'd fallen to his knees and was beginning to curl up into a ball.

He suddenly felt himself shaking violently. Bonbell wasn't sure if that was his own body shaking, or something else making him shake. He began to hear a very distant voice. It sounded vaguely familiar, but incoherent.

After some time and more shaking, the voice became clear. "...Bonbell!" She exclaimed with worry. "...Wake up!" It was Vixen. She was leaning over her brother desperately trying to get him to wake up. "...what..." Bon mumbled, as he slowly sat up.

He then suddenly felt Vixen's hands grab the sides of his face, causing him to make eye contact with her. "Are you ok?" She slowly, but loudly asked. Vixen noticed how Bon was squinting to focus on her eyes. "I..." He slowly started. "I think... so?"

"What happened?" Mangle asked, letting go of Bon's face. "I..." The bunny tried thinking back to why he'd ended up on the floor. One minute he was roaming a party room, the next, Vixen was violently shaking him to get him to wake up. "I don't know." Bon admitted, confusion clear on his face.

"You should go sit down." Vix suggested, helping Bon to his feet. "Go sit with the other's, I'll get Toy to switch with you." She told him, keeping an arm around his shoulder as they returned to the stairwell.

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