Chapter Four

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 "Still nothing?" Freddy asked over the phone, earning a negative response from Fredrick. "So we still have nothing to go off of?"

"Unfortunately, no." Fred answered with a sigh. "That's just great." Freddy then said, before his brother whispered something to him. "Ask about business."

"Are things still going well with the restaurant?" There was a brief moment of silence on the other end. "They were," Fredrick began, a bit hesitantly. "But the building failed it's recent fire safety inspection." He continued to explain. "We're closed until everything is up to code."

"Oh, I see." Freddy responded, all while adjusting how he was leaning against the front counter. He didn't have much to say about that.

"Well, if nothing else, tell your gang, mine says hi." Freddy requested. "Of course. Have a good evening." Fredrick answered, before hearing Freddy then answer with, "You too. Goodnight." Before hanging up.

✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

It had been a couple weeks since Puppet had been brought to the rental facility location. He'd somehow managed to keep up with what was happening with the locations his friends were at. He knew they were safe, and that he didn't need to worry about them.

He only really had to worry about getting back to one of those two locations.

While reading over some photocopied documents he'd snagged at the manager's office, the Marionette could hear someone coming up behind him. He could feel them staring at him from behind. Looking over his shoulder, Puppet was met with a white face.

"Hello there." He politely greeted, turning to face the person fully. Aside from the white face, the person wore a yellow and green striped party hat, and a dark colored cloak. They also had a nose as bright red as Baby's.

"My name is Puppet. What's yours?" The figure's one normal eye scanned the Marionette up and down. His other eye was darkened. It made Puppet think of how Vixen's right eye would do the same whenever she was in her 'mangled' form. Perhaps they had similar powers?

"Ennard." He finally said, although hesitantly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ennard." Puppet answered in a friendly tone, holding out a hand for Ennard to shake. He simply looked at Puppet's hand, instead pulling on his cloak so as it wouldn't fall off his shoulders. The Marionette retracted his hand.

"So, you're the one who's been hiding from everyone?" Puppet asked curiously. Ennard slowly nodded. "You don't speak much do you?" Ennard looked into Puppet's eyes and gave him a suspicious look.

"I like you." He instead said simply, the suspicion looking to have disappeared from Ennard's expression. "Thank you, I suppose." Puppet answered, before he watched Ennard leave the room, going back to whatever woodwork he'd crawled out of.

Just as soon as Ennard had left, did one of the Funtime's come rushing in. It was Foxy. "What is it?" Puppet asked the out of breath fox. "You need... to come with me." He explained between gasps for air. "I don't understand?"

"We found something... you need to see!" Foxy explained, before motioning for Puppet to follow him. He did, the two going back down the hallway he'd come from.

In one of the rental party rooms, Baby and Funtime Freddy—with BonBon sitting on his shoulder—were all standing around Ballora. She had a newspaper in her hands that she was examining closely. "Do you think that's the same one?" Her younger sister asked over her shoulder. "I'm not sure."

"What is it?" The Marionette asked, as he and Funtime Foxy came into the room. Everyone looked from the newspaper, to Puppet. "You need to see this." Ballora told him, an upset look in her pink eyes as she held out the paper for him to hold. He did, and the headline nearly caused Puppet's heart to stop.


Late yesterday afternoon, the city fire department responded to a fire that had broken out at local "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria". By the time firefighters converged on the scene, the fire had grown too large for the building to be saved. They were, however, able to prevent the fire from spreading through the city. (story continues on page 13)"

Looking at the photo of the burning building that was printed along with the front page story, Puppet was barely able to recognize it as the location the 'Toys' were at. Slowly lowering the paper from his face, the Marionette just as slowly moved to sit down.

"Do you recognize that place?" Ballora wondered. Puppet simply nodded, as he placed the paper on the table. He then moved his hands up to hold his head. "It was... the Toys' location..." Puppet said, grief clear in his tone.

"Oh... I'm so sorry." Ballora answered, going to sit next to him. By now, the Marionette's head was hung low in his hands as dark tears began to flow down his cheeks, effectively staining them. His shoulders were shaking from the quiet crying.

Everyone else in the room quietly exchanged glances. They were all thinking the same thing. Those who were in that building when it caught fire probably died. The very thought was obviously upsetting for the Marionette. To show respect for the lives that were now gone, Funtime Freddy took off his top hat from his head.

Not knowing what to say to Puppet, all Ballora could think to do was to slowly rub her hand on his back in hopes of comforting him.

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