Chapter Five

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  "No!" Chica exclaimed, after hearing what it was Freddy had just read to them. "Cap'n, ye sure it be the same place?" Freddy looked to Foxy, wishing what he was about to answer wasn't so. "I'm sorry Foxy... it is." At that, the bear could see Foxy's one gold colored eye glaze over. The fox's eye looked down, as he turned to retreat into Pirate's Cove.

Looking back to the other two, Freddy was able to see Bonnie going off to hide in another room also. That just left him with Chica. She still looked to be in shock. But, it was obvious when the shock began to wear off.

She slowly lifted her hands up to her beak, before letting out a small sob. After placing his hat on the nearby table with the paper, Freddy went over to her and hugged her, all while putting his head on top of hers. Chica then began to cry. Freddy could feel the tears at the corners of his own eyes begin falling down the sides of his face.

"What happened?" Gold suddenly asked, as he saw Chica crying into Freddy's shoulder, while his brother looked just as upset. "The newspaper... It's on the table..." Freddy told his brother in a shaky tone. In response, Gold went to retrieve the folded papers.

After reading the headline, and taking a triple take of the front cover's photo, Gold's face went neutral. Freddy watched the golden bear slowly remove his old purple top hat—he barely wore it anymore to begin with—out of respect. "Spring..." He quietly muttered. "Gold?" The older bear's dark eyes met Freddy's sapphire ones, before he answered with, "Don't talk to me." With that, he disappeared in a blink.

Freddy leaned his head back on top of Chica's still trying to comfort her.

✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

Another night had passed since the fire. The entire time, Freddy had been resisting the urge to pick up the phone in hopes of hearing one of their friends on the other end of the line.

Whenever the phone from the night guard's office rang, he'd also have to stop himself from picking up the phone from the front desk. He'd have to remind himself once again, no it wasn't the 'Toy' crew calling. They wouldn't call anymore.

Everyone was still in a state of grief. Unfortunately for them, they would have to try and bury their emotions during the day. They still had to perform for the restaurant. So when night came around, everyone split. Almost no one talked to each other.

Freddy was sitting against one of the walls of the show stage, his arm around Chica—who was leaning against him. Bonnie was sitting across from the two against the opposite wall. He had his guitar in hand, mindlessly strumming the five strings in no particular pattern.

Eventually, the bunny looked up from his guitar to Freddy. Even though the bear didn't express it as much, Bonnie could still tell that Freddy was hurting inside.

Deciding that maybe some light conversation would help, the bunny spoke up. "Chica seems awfully quiet." Freddy looked down to her. "She fell asleep." He explained, looking back up to Bonnie. He simply nodded at the explanation.

"You two seem nice together." He commented, smiling ever so slightly. Freddy did the same, before curiously asking, "Were you and her together once?" Bonnie almost laughed, which caused Freddy's smile to grow a bit more. "No, not really." The bunny began, as he looked off into space as he remembered those early years of the gang. "I wasn't lookin' for a relationship at the time."

Silence was about to set in again, when a thought crossed Freddy's mind. "At the time?" Bonnie then looked off as his ears fell almost over his face. It suddenly hit Freddy. He'd noticed that Bonnie had spent a lot of time with Toy when they were in the last location. They seemed to get along very well. "Wait, were you and Toy..."

"I wanted to tell her..." Bonnie said with a heavy heart. Freddy's expression fell. He felt bad for bringing it up now. "Bon, I'm so sorry..." Freddy said, in a somewhat sorrowful tone. Before Bonnie even said anything, he put his guitar down and got up. "Don't be... it's not your fault." He said, before going off to be by himself.

Freddy sighed deeply, as he leaned his head against the wall. The short exchange now left him feeling guilty.

Some time after the building had fallen completely silent once again, a sound was heard from the back of the restaurant. It sounded as though someone were banging on the door that led out to the back alleyway.

Looking in the general direction of the door, Freddy thought maybe he should investigate. Mindful to not wake up Chica, he gently leaned her against the wall. Then, he got up.

Following the sound of the banging down the hallway, the bear made it to the locked back door. As he'd suspected, someone was banging on it. Freddy was about to open the door, when he paused. He realized he should try and see who was trying to get into the building first.

Stopping to listen, the bear heard a somewhat familiar voice from the other side. "Hello?!" They screeched, continuing to try and get the door opened. "Is anyone... there?!" Freddy's eyes widened, as he quickly made a reach to unlock the door and open it.

The moment Freddy had pulled the door open, was the same moment the person trying to get in went to shoulder the door again. This caused him to fall onto the floor unexpectedly.


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