Chapter Six

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   Springtrap let out a crackled sounding cough, before he began trying to get himself up—with help from Freddy. "Was beginning to think..." He coughed again. "I'd come to the wrong... location..." He answered, coughing again.

Now that he was standing upright, Freddy was able to see the extent of Springtrap's condition. His once yellow-tinted pelt was now a dark shade of yellow-brown. It looked absolutely filthy. Some small patches of his fur were singed, and the skin beneath appeared to be badly burnt. And the worst part was when Freddy noticed the bunny's ears. Practically the entire top half of one was gone completely, instead, severe burns were in its place.

"What happened to you?!" Freddy asked in a concerned tone, as he watched Springtrap close the door behind himself. Letting out another cough, Springtrap spoke up. "There was a... fire. I barely... made it out..." He explained, ending with another bad sounding cough.

"Spring?!" Gold suddenly exclaimed, having just approached the two. Freddy looked to his brother, who looked as shocked as he was. But, getting past the shock, the younger bear addressed him. "Bring him out to the dining area, I'll try and find something to help treat him." Gold nodded, as he went over to help his friend stand straight.

Quickly rushing past the two, Freddy made it to the dining room first. He could see that Chica had woken up, as she was stepping off the show stage. He went over to her. "Chica?" Her eyes met his, before Freddy continued. "You said that the employees keep the first aid kit in the kitchen, right?" Chica was confused by the question, but she nodded anyway. "Could you go find it please?"

"Why? Did something happen?" She asked curiously. "Yes, you'll see after you get the kit." Freddy answered, before adding, "Just bring it out here." Although she was still a bit confused, Chica went in the direction of the kitchen as she'd been asked.

Just as she did, Freddy saw his brother helping Springtrap into a dining chair. "Thanks... pal." Springtrap thanked, as he let go of the golden bear's shoulder.

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"I was in the back storage room... when the fire start-" Springtrap winced as Chica gently dabbed some of the burn salve from the kit onto his shoulder. "Sorry..." She quietly apologized, before Springtrap continued. "The fire had gotten pretty bad... when I started to find the exit."

"You look as though you had a rough time escapin'." Gold commented, obviously referring to the burns Springtrap had sustained from the fire. "Yeah well, when the building... collapses around you... it's no walk in the park..." Springtrap answered with some sarcasm, before coughing again.

"Chica, do you think there's anything we can give him for that cough?" Freddy wondered, as a thoughtful look was clear on Chica's face. "Cupcake?" Carl suggested from atop her shoulder. "You're right, there is." Chica started. "But there isn't much of a variety, and I'm not sure what kind would work best." She answered, before finishing up with the salve.

As she replaced the small container into the first aid kit, she looked back to Freddy. "We have tea. Not sure how much it'll help though." Freddy thought for a moment, but before he was able to say anything, his brother spoke up. "I heard honey can help."

"I think there's some in the kitchen." Chica explained, before she left to go make some tea with honey.

"What about the 'Toys'?" Bonnie asked next. Springtrap thought for a moment, trying to remember what he'd seen in the burning building. "I don't... remember seeing them on my way out." He answered, all while absentmindedly rubbing at his sore throat.

"What about outside?" Bonnie kept asking. "There were so many... humans outside by the time I got out..." Springtrap began. "I was trying not... to be seen, so I don't know if... they were there." He told the purple bunny. "I see."

"Well, after Chica gets you that tea, you should rest." Freddy started. "You still look to be in bad shape." Springtrap coughed, as though further proving the bear's observation. "Yeah... whatever."

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