Chapter Seven

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 Vixen was still feeling a bit groggy from having slept on the drive there. She was just conscious enough for one of the employees to bring her into the still empty looking building.

After bringing both herself and her 'siblings' into the building, the four were escorted to a still empty arcade room down one of the two hallways. Once they were brought there, Vixen could feel the employee lowering her to the ground against the wall. Then, the fox fell asleep again.

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"...Wake up!" A voice called. "...Come on!" Vixen slowly began to open her eyes, only to see a blur of yellow crouched next to her. "Vixen!" The fox's eyes snapped open, causing her to see who it was trying to wake her up. "Toy?" Vixen asked, before letting out a yawn. "What is it?"

"They finally took us out of the warehouse!" Toy exclaimed happily, before adding, "We're at a brand new location." Vixen looked around and was pleasantly surprised to see a large empty room with windows, as opposed to the tight and dark warehouse full of palettes and shelving units.

As Toy stood straight again, Vixen got up from her spot on the ground. "The others have already started looking around." She started. "Let's go!" Vixen smiled and followed her sister out the door of the empty room.

"This place seems bigger than our old one." Bonbell commented, as he and Fredrick wandered the numerous rooms of the building. Almost all of the rooms they'd been in were still pretty empty—save for a couple moving boxes that probably contained various decorations.

Due to the lack of tables and chairs, everyone's voices seemed to have a small echo, especially in the largest room—the dining area. Which was the room the two had come back around to.

"Hey, I noticed a door in the hall by the bathrooms. Should we see where it goes?" Bon asked curiously. "Why not." Fred agreed, as they went in that direction.

"Where in the world did they go?" Toy asked, as her and Mangle wandered the building their own way. "I already feel lost in this place." Mangle said, as she peered into the next room. "Yeah, we definitely lost them." Toy concluded, as the two entered one of the party rooms.

"Hey, do you think there's a phone here?" Mangle asked. "Maybe, why?" Toy wondered. "We should try and see if we can call the other gang!" Toy's eyes lit up a bit. "Yes! We should!" She exclaimed, before then saying, "I think Fred has the number memorized, let's go find him!"

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The gang of now six were having yet another quiet night. After Springtrap had arrived, he clearly couldn't confirm or deny what had happened to the 'Toys'. So now, nobody knew whether or not to grieve for their friends or hope that they'll see them again soon.

Freddy had found himself back at the window by the restaurant's front entrance. By now, there were signs of the snow returning soon, as autumn was almost over. The days were shorter, and the trees were almost all bare. Gone was the peak of fall when all the leaves turned to their beautiful colors. Now, they were shriveled and brown on the ground where they'd fallen.

Almost lost in thought, Freddy's attention was grabbed by the sound of a phone ringing. Assuming it was coming from the security office, the bear simply reminisced about their friends. But the phone kept ringing.

Freddy then realized how loud the phone sounded. It didn't sound like it was coming from the security office. In fact, the guard would've answered by now. The bear turned and realized it was the phone for the front desk.

Was it them? Excitement and hope began to bubble in the bear's chest. Going to grab the phone, Freddy held it up to his ear and waited. "Hello?"

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Fredrick let out a disappointed sigh. "What is it?" Bon asked him. Hanging the desk phone back up, the bear answered with, "It's not connected yet." He told them. "Drats." Toy murmured.

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"Is this Burger King?" A young sounding guy asked from the other end. Freddy's momentary hope quickly faded, as he simply answered with, "Sorry. You have the wrong number." Before hanging up the phone.

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