Chapter Nine

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  "I wonder when they'll finally connect the phones?" Vixen questioned, as her and Toy were laying atop the roof of the building. The two had found another stairwell that went up instead of down, and saw it lead to the roof. "Who knows."

"I really miss them." Vixen commented. Toy agreed completely. "So, I have a question." Toy glanced over to Vixen, before looking back up at the sky. "Yeah?"

"Were you and Bonnie 'unofficially' a couple?" Toy's turquoise eyes quickly looked back at Vixen, who was still staring at the sky. "Why on earth would you ask that?" She answered, feeling the sudden flush to her cheeks. Vixen let out a small giggle, before explaining. "Well, you two hung out a lot together! And in my opinion, you both would make a nice couple!"

"As if..." Toy said, almost under her breath. "What made you think to ask that?" Vixen continued smiling, as she thought of her answer. "Me and Foxy, that's what!" She replied. "Oh yeah. Everyone noticed that you two were sweethearts with each other." Toy commented. "Good." Vixen answered, with a smirk.

"Wait, what happened to that bow you used to wear?" Vixen giggled at the question.

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The next night had arrived. By now, the 'Toy' gang had been at the new location for over two weeks. The company seemed to be taking their precious time in setting the place up.

There were still barely any tables anywhere. There were a few arcade machines in the room the 'Toys' were kept in, but they looked to be lazily placed, as they weren't aligned or plugged in.

Even though some of the rooms were still bare, some walls were adorned with posters. Posters of both the 'Toy' crew, and the Fazbear crew. Judging by the posters, the 'Toys' concluded that they weren't the ones who would have the spot on the show stage.

Their hopeful guess was that it would be Freddy and his gang, but the last phone call with them sounded as though they were perfectly set up in their current location. So, the more realistic guess would be that they'd bring in actual animatronics for the stage.

What the 'Toys' didn't know, was that an old friend was going to make a return.

Having finally fallen asleep for the first time in weeks, Puppet's rest seemed to be cut short as one of the two employees carrying his box had a slip of the hand. The gift box came down with a loud thud, waking him. "Watch it, Debs!" A male employee exclaimed. "Hey, sorry!"

"Someone dropped one of these boxes at another location a couple years ago and cracked the mask on the thing!" The guy explained, as he and 'Debs' left the room. Once they'd left, the Marionette decided to try and get some more sleep.

To what felt like no avail, as he woke up on his own this time. After sitting idle in his box for a moment, Puppet finally decided to get out and see where he was. And as he did, he pulled out the poster he'd grabbed from that box.

He spent a couple minutes looking at it and reminiscing again. It almost felt impossible to put the poster down, as he leaned on the edge of his opened box looking at it. Not even a new place could pull Puppet's attention from the glossy paper.

However, a familiar voice did. "Puppet?" The Marionette looked up and for a brief moment he was sure to simply be seeing things from lack of sleep. "It's good to see you again, ol' chap!" Fredrick exclaimed, as he held out a hand to help Puppet up.

The Marionette accepted, although still in shocked silence at seeing T. Fred in front of him. "...Fred?" Suddenly, Vixen came out from behind a lifeless arcade machine. "Hey!" She exclaimed, running over to hug the Marionette. He was still shocked, as his arms slowly and cautiously wrapped around her shoulders.

Once Vixen had pulled out of the hug, Toy and Bonbell had approached the three in the new Prize Corner. "Hey! They finally brought you back!" Bonbell exclaimed happily. "...I..."

"Is something the matter?" Fredrick asked, noticing how shocked their friend looked. "I... you... but, the fire...?" Were all the words Puppet could manage to form. "'Fire'?... Oh, so you heard about that." Fred assumed, to which Puppet slowly nodded.

Managing to find his words, the Marionette asked more clearly, "I thought... you all had died in that fire." Surprised and shocked expressions were shared by the four 'Toys'. "Oh! Goodness, no! We made it out before the fire got any worse." Fredrick explained. At that, reality finally caught up with the Marionette. He began to smile. "Thank goodness..." He said, as he initiated a group hug he never thought he'd have ever again.

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