Chapter Ten

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   "Well, at least this place lasted longer than our first location." Bonnie commented, as Freddy had brought up the news about their current location being put up for sale. "I wonder where we'll go next?" Chica curiously questioned, before Freddy answered with, "I think we're going to another restaurant. Not sure which one though."

"I think this next place will hopefully be longer term." Gold added, as it was he who helped his brother discover this information. "For once." Foxy muttered from the edge of his small stage where he sat.

"Well, that was all we wanted to say." Freddy told, basically indicating everyone was now free to do what they wanted.

Looking across to Foxy, Chica decided that he probably needed some encouraging words. He'd been hiding in 'Pirate's Cove' for weeks now, and he had only just decided to engage with everyone again. But, it was still obvious that he was deeply upset.

Having walked over to the fox, Chica sat down next to him on the edge of the smaller stage. "Hi." She simply greeted. Foxy barely acknowledged her.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing." She explained, to which Foxy glanced her way, before looking back down at the object in his hand. Following his gaze, Chica saw the object was a light pink bow. It seemed familiar.

"Was that Vixen's?" She wondered. "Aye." Foxy shortly answered, as he clenched his fingers around the fabric.

° ° °

"I wish you guys didn't have to go." Vixen expressed, as she and Foxy were seated together in a more quiet spot of the restaurant. "As do I, lass. But, t'isn't our decision." Foxy reminded her. She sighed. "Yeah, I know."

A small moment of silence passed, before Vixen looked up to Foxy. "We should have a way to remember each other. In case we never see you again." She suggested. "That don't be a bad idea." Foxy complimented, before then asking, "What do ye suggest this 'memento' be?"

Vixen thought for a minute. Then, her hand reached for the light pink bow on the side of her head. Removing it, she then suggested, "What about this?" Taking the bow from her, Foxy smiled. But, he then asked her, "What do ye think I should give ye?"

"Do you have something?" Foxy thought for a moment, before realizing that he didn't. "Sorry lass." Vixen gave him a smile, before saying, "It's fine. You don't have to give me something." She assured him. Foxy shook his head. "No, I do." He told her. "Then wha-"

Vixen's words were interrupted by Foxy leaning in and giving her a kiss.

° ° °

Chica sighed. It had been clear how much Vixen meant to Foxy, and to see how well he wasn't handling losing her was heartbreaking. Although, Chica wasn't entirely sure how the fox must've been feeling.

Sure, herself and the others were upset over having lost such good friends, but Chica wasn't sure how it must have felt losing a lover. Even though she and Freddy hadn't been together as long as Foxy and Vixen, Chica couldn't imagine how she'd feel if she ever lost him.

Unsure of what else to do, Chica simply put an arm around Foxy, and gave him a comforting hug.

Finding Freedom {Freedom AU} [Book Two](FNAF/UT)Where stories live. Discover now