Chapter Eleven

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While managing to elude the camera in the boss' new office, Puppet was looking through the small amounts of paperwork that were beginning to build up in the filing cabinets. Everyone had been continuously asking him if and when the Fazbear gang would arrive at the new location, and anyways, the Marionette had to ensure that Gold would be able to arrive with no problems.

The papers he had been reading were the ones he'd been looking for. It had confirmation that they were going to bring Freddy and his gang to their location within the week. It also showed that another shipment was coming in the future. But, it wouldn't be ready for shipment for what looked to be an undetermined amount of time.

Trying to find where the future shipment was coming from, Puppet found it was marked out with a black marker. Turning the paper around in hopes of maybe seeing the 'where', also proved unsuccessful. Instead, Puppet decided to see if there was a photocopied version of the document that wasn't marked out. Still nothing.

So, he got a better idea. He folded the paper in half, before taking it with him out of the office. Puppet would keep the paper for himself and see if another copy would be printed up once they realize the one he'd taken was gone. That plan would hopefully work.

"Puppet!" Toy exclaimed, as she made her way through the bare tables and over to the Marionette. Before she could even ask her question, Puppet seemingly read her mind in answering with, "Freddy and his gang are going to arrive within the week."

"Wait, really?! So, they're not bringing animatronics?" Puppet shook his head. "Awesome!" Toy exclaimed, before going to deliver the news to the others

"Bon?" Toy called out, as she came down the basement stairs. "Over here!" Bonbell called out from the farthest corner. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to see if I can't successfully seclude this room for us to use." The bright blue bunny explained, as he faced an approaching Toy. "What for?" She questioned. "I thought it'd be nice for there to be a spot away from the cameras, and the humans." He explained.

"So, what did you want?" Bon then asked her. "Oh, yeah!" Toy had almost forgotten why she'd even come looking for him in the first place. "Puppet just confirmed that the gang is being brought here within the week!" Bonbell's bright green eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah!" Toy practically squealed. "That's great!"

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After having sat Bonnie down on the edge of the stage, 'Debs' turned to see her co-worker doing the same with Foxy at Pirate's Cove. "Is that all of them?" She asked him. "Yeah, I think so. Trailer's empty anyways." The man replied, before a thud from somewhere in the building could be heard.

"D'you hear that Tim?" Debs wondered, as she whipped out her flashlight. "Hear what?" Tim asked her. "I could've sworn I heard somethin'-'' Another thud resonated again. At that, Tim pulled out his own flashlight. "You're right. I heard it too."

The two sole humans in the building, using their flashlights, tried to go and find the source of the thuds. As they did, they were unaware that the Marionette was listening to them. He knew what the thuds were. Gold was trying to quietly enter through the fire exit found in the basement. A concrete staircase was built into the ground to accommodate the door.

Thinking for a moment, Puppet peered out of the arcade room and saw Debs pointing her flashlight in the direction of the bathroom hall, where the basement door could be found. "Hey, Tim?" She called out, before then saying, "I think it came from the basement!"

"Yeah?" Tim called back, catching up with her. The two began for the basement. Puppet had to act fast.

Looking around the room, the Marionette was able to spot an empty cardboard box. Hopefully, it'd sound the same as a thud coming from the basement. Not even bothering to go all the way to the box, Puppet manipulated the object. The box rose up into the air, before being dropped onto the floor.

"There it is again." Debs said, as she paused for a moment. "What are you doing?" Puppet dropped the box again. "I think I was mistaken." Debs admitted, as she signalled for her co-worker to be quiet. Puppet dropped the box once more, still trying to redirect them from the basement door.

"I think it's coming from the hallway." Tim suggested, as the two followed the sound of the box sporadically being dropped. When the Marionette could hear them coming towards the arcade room, he stood idle in the prize corner.

"Hold on..." Debs said, as she pointed her flashlight towards Puppet. "Isn't that thing supposed to be in its box?" She asked, looking over her shoulder to Tim. "Leave it to Jared to do his job as lousy as possible." He answered, as if to suggest that Jared had left Puppet out.

"Let's get him back in the present box, and then I'm goin' home to sleep." Debs said. "Dido."

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