Chapter Twelve

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"Guys, wake up." Freddy called out from where he still sat on the edge of the stage. Upon hearing the bear calling out to them, the other three began to wake up. "We're here." Freddy announced, as he stood up first.

Before anyone had the chance to say anything more, someone spoke up. "I'm glad to see you all got here safely." Puppet told them, as he walked out of the hallway. "Puppet!" Chica exclaimed, quickly going over to him. The Marionette then found himself in Chica's embrace, obviously showing how happy she was to see him.

"Where have you been?" Freddy asked, as he and the others also came up to Puppet. "Long story short, there was a mix up. I got sent to a sister location by accident." He explained, before Bonnie asked, "And it took them a whole year to notice?" Puppet shrugged in response, as even he wasn't sure how they managed to mess up that bad. "Well, I'm glad they fixed that mistake." Chica expressed, pulling out of the hug.

"Have they arrived?" Fredrick suddenly asked, having come up behind the Marionette. "Fredrick!?" Freddy exclaimed, his eyes widening. The rest of his gang reacted the same.

"Hello! It's good to see you all again!" The four looked to be just about as shocked as the Marionette had been when he saw that they hadn't been harmed in the fire. "You..."

"I take it you learned of the fire?" Fred asked, as the rest of his gang emerged from the almost fully decorated arcade room. Freddy slowly nodded, as Chica, Bonnie and Foxy each went to greet the rest of the 'Toys'. "We were able to escape before the fire got any more severe." Fredrick explained, to which Freddy finally began to genuinely smile, for what felt like the first time in weeks.

"Speaking of which," Puppet began again. "Have you guys heard from Springtrap at all?" He asked, a bit hesitant. Fredrick then added with, "We aren't sure if he'd made it out or not." Freddy was about to answer, when Springtrap himself spoke up.

"I barely did." He said, as himself and Gold came from the basement. "Spring! I'm glad you're... ok...?" Puppet was unsure how to describe the bunny. He still had scars from the burns he'd received from the fire, and obviously, the half of his ear wouldn't grow back.

"What in the world happened to you?" Bonbell suddenly questioned once he caught a glance at Springtrap. "A burning building, that's what." Bon stepped closer to him so as to get a better look at his condition.

Looking to Freddy, Bonbell then asked, "How did you guys treat him?" Having heard the question, Chica spoke up and answered. "I found a burn salve in the employee's first aid kit, and because he was coughing a lot, I made him some tea with honey for a couple nights."

"It seems to have helped, sorta." Springtrap gave a nod to confirm the younger bunny's observation.

"Can I make a suggestion?" Vixen then asked, while Foxy had an arm wrapped around her. "We've finally all been reunited. I think this calls for a celebration!" Everyone obviously agreed.

"Have they stocked the kitchen yet?" Chica asked curiously. "I believe they have, yes." Fredrick answered. "Good! Fred, I'm employing you to help me in the kitchen." Chica suddenly voluntold. "Wait, why me??"

"You've helped me a couple times before, remember? You were great!" Chica explained, before grabbing the bear's wrist and basically dragging him to the kitchen. Freddy practically laughed and shook his head.

"Do you mind if I take a look at your ear?" Bonbell asked Springtrap. "And who made you the doc around here?" Spring asked sarcastically. "It'd probably be helpful if someone knew these things." Bon answered him, before Springtrap hesitantly complied and went to sit down in a nearby chair.

A couple of minutes passed, and the room was full of voices. People were obviously trying to catch up with one another. As they were, Puppet approached Gold. "Hey there." Gold looked to the Marionette, before looking back out to the crowd of people.

"I wanted to ask you something." Gold sighed, as he waited to hear what the question would be. "What was all that noise from the basement earlier?" Puppet wondered. "The basement exit jammed. We ended up knocking over a few boxes someone had left by the door."

"That explains it." Puppet commented, satisfied from hearing what all the thuds were. "Why? Did you hear them?"

"Me, and the two employees who were here." Gold gave Puppet a curious look. "I had to divert their attention so they wouldn't find you down there." While then averting eye contact, the golden bear uttered a single, "Thank you."

The Marionette was going to say something more, as he felt he was getting the cold shoulder from his friend, but he decided against it. It wasn't worth ruining the atmosphere of the reunion.

While enjoying the occasion, Toy and Bonnie were both leaning against the wall between both hallway entrances. Toy was leaning against Bonnie, her head on his shoulder, as he was the one who was leaning their weight against the wall.

"This is nice." Toy commented, as she held onto Bonnie's arms—which were wrapped around her. "Yeah, it is." The bunny answered with a smile. The duo had been a bit quiet, mostly just watching everyone else.

In doing so, Toy watched as Chica exited the kitchen for a brief moment. She went over to Freddy, obviously to tell him something. As Chica began to leave again, the bear gently grabbed her wrist, so as to gain her attention.

As Chica looked back to Freddy, she was met with a quick, but clearly affectionate kiss. The two smiled at each other, before Chica returned to the kitchen.

"Wait..." Toy muttered. "What is it?" Bonnie asked her. Toy had a confused look on her face, as she processed what it was she'd just witnessed. "No..."

"Are you talkin' to yourself?" Bonnie wondered, unsure what she was trying to say. "Are Freddy and Chica together?" Toy finally asked. Bonnie laughed a bit before he answered. "Yep." He confirmed to her. "Since when??"

"I'm pretty sure they made it official not long after we were split up." Bonnie told, referring back to before the fire. "Aw, that's great." Toy said, smiling warmly.

"Do you think you could see us like that?" Bonnie suddenly asked. Toy was surprised by the question and was quiet for a moment. At that reaction, Bonnie was worried she didn't feel the same. "I mean..."

"I can see it." Toy answered him. "Really?" She nodded. "Do you feel that way?" She asked him further. "Yes... and you?" Toy thought for a moment. In answer, she reached up and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Yeah, me too."

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