Chapter Fourteen

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   A week had passed since BB and JJ were introduced to the customers. The kids seemed to love them. The twins had this sort of special interaction with the kids, that the others couldn't quite duplicate.

While Puppet was doing his job in Prize Corner, he noticed how some of the kids were telling their friends about the 'special guest' from one of the parties being hosted. He also noticed how Toy had been spending most of the day entertaining kids in the Arcade room with most of her 'siblings'.

Usually, Toy would be working to help with birthday parties. So, she couldn't normally be found in the arcade room—unless you came around during the last couple minutes of opening hours that is.

Later that night, everyone had left from their assigned spots they'd been at since closing. Some were engaged in conversation, and those who weren't, were probably in the game of hide and seek the Twins were playing. Foxy, Vixen and Bonnie were the only ones engaged in that for the moment.

Toy had managed to find another book to read from the boss' office. Thankfully, it wasn't as hard to get in as it was in the last location. Before she was even able to begin reading, she was approached by the Marionette. "Hello." He greeted. Toy's turquoise eyes looked up to meet his dark ones. "Oh, hi!" She replied with a smile.

"I noticed you were mostly hanging around with us today. I'm guessing there weren't really any parties going on?" Toy shook her head no. "There were some, actually." She told him. "Oh?"

"I just wasn't needed there, since they'd brought over someone from another location. I think it was some kind of special request from the party planner." Toy explained to him. "Really?" Toy nodded, before adding, "I think she's still here." Puppet gave Toy an even more curious look. "'She?'"

Toy looked over his shoulder, and towards the hall leading to the party rooms. "Oh, there she is now!" Following Toy's gaze, Puppet looked over and was surprised to see Ballora standing at the end of the hallway, being greeted by Chica—who had noticed her. His eyes widened. "...Ballora?"

"Oh, do you know her?" Toy wondered. "I... yes. She was at the... location I was mistakenly sent to... Excuse me." And with that, the Marionette made his way across the room to her.

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Chica said to her, before she saw Puppet coming towards them. "Oh, here's someone I'd like you to meet." Ballora also noticed him approaching. "Puppet! Hello again." She greeted.

"Oh, you two know each other?" Chica asked curiously. "Yes, we do." Puppet confirmed. "That's nice!" Chica commented, before she then noticed how the two were looking at each other. "I'll let you two catch up then." She said with a bit of a smirk, before leaving them be.

Once Chica had left, Ballora didn't hesitate to pull the Marionette into a hug. "I missed you." She told him, before letting go. After she did, Puppet placed a hand on her cheek and gave her a small kiss. "So did I." He then said.

"What brings you here?" Puppet curiously asked. "Well, business hasn't been doing well at our location, so they decided to extend the rental services to these locations." Ballora explained to him, before she added, "I'm returning in the morning." Puppet gave a small nod and simply said, "I see."

Looking around the room, Ballora could see how many people were there. "So, am I to assume none of your friends died after all?" She wondered, since she didn't know who everyone was—although she could make a very well educated guess about who Freddy was, for obvious reasons. "No. I was relieved when I saw them again, alive and well." Puppet answered happily.

"How about you guys? How have you all been doing?" The Marionette asked next. "We've been doing fine. Oh, and Ella says 'hi'." Ballora answered. "Tell her and the others I also say 'hi'." Ballora smiled.

"Do you think you'll make a return here in the future?" The Marionette inquired. "Depends on what the customer wants. Maybe it'll be me, or maybe one of the others." Ballora answered him.

"Well, in case you do get to come back again, I should probably introduce you to everyone here." Puppet said, before the two went to approach Freddy.

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