Chapter Fifteen

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  Sophie Grant had just finished her shift for that day. It mostly consisted of her standing behind the cash register, or seating customers. That had been the most excitement her job had entailed for the past two years she'd worked at the restaurant.

As Sophie was grabbing her sweater from one of the coat racks in the employee room, her co-worker came in to talk to her. "Hey, Sophia." Debs called out. Sophie tried her best to resist a huff, as she corrected for the umpteenth time, "It's Sophie."

"Whatever. Boss wants you in his office." Debs instructed, before she left to tend to other matters. "Oh..." She muttered, all while slipping her arms through the sleeves of the sweater.

Leaving the small employee room, Sophie made a line for Dale Jenson's office. Just as Sophie entered the office, her co-worker, Tim, excited. "Ah, Soph. Come in." Mr. Jenson invited. In doing so, Sophie was then invited to sit across from him at his desk.

"I'm not in some kind of trouble... am I?" Sophie asked, somewhat nervously. The boss smiled and shook his head no. "No, your fine." He assured her, before getting into why he had asked her in here to begin with. "Tim's asked that he no longer be put on the night shift anymore." Mr. Jenson began to explain. "Would you be willing to take those empty shifts?" Sophie thought for a moment.

Tim had been covering about fifty percent of the night shifts, leaving the other shifts to be rotated by several other employees. It seemed kind of odd that the boss would be asking her to cover, since she'd never done the night shift before.

"Why would you ask me?" Sophie voiced. "None of the other night shift workers want to cover." Mr. Jenson answered. He then added, "And I'm willing to make you an offer."

"Oh?" Sophie wondered. "Take the night shift. If your performance on that shift goes well, I might see into upping your salary." Sophie's eyes widened a bit. "Oh, um. Thank you for the offer sir..."

"So, what do you say?" The boss asked her. Sophie considered it a minute. "I guess I'll give it a try." She said, smiling a bit. "Great. I'll let the guys in scheduling know that you are no longer available for the day shifts."

"When do I start?" Sophie wondered. "Tomorrow night. Midnight sharp." Sophie gave a nod. "Sounds good. Thank you." She said, before getting up to leave.

After she had, the boss' phone rang. He picked it up and answered. "Hello?" He paused to let the other end answer. "Oh yes..." Another pause, before he confirmed with, "Yes, I've got two more that need taking care of." Dale explained.

"Tonight will work fine." Jenson assured him. "Hey, no, thank you!" He thanked, before then saying, "How else would this operation work without you?..."

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Sophie hooked the ring of keys to her belt once she was sure all the doors had been locked. It was almost midnight. Going back into the small employee room, she unlocked her small locker—perks of being a night guard.

She pulled out her light blue fabric cap that read the word 'SECURITY' on it and brought it up to her head. Putting her fingers through the gap, Sophie grabbed onto her dark strawberry blond ringleted ponytail and pulled it through. Then, she pulled down on the bill of the cap so it would rest properly.

Then, she closed the locker door, and proceeded out of the room.

Since the idea of sitting in a small office for six hours straight didn't seem all that appealing, Sophie decided to wander around for a bit. Get a feel at where everything actually was. During her day shifts, she'd never really gone through much of the building. So, she saw this as an opportunity to do so.

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